OASIS Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) TC

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Change draft for fingerprint-related issues: #122, #126, #147, and #154

  • 1.  Change draft for fingerprint-related issues: #122, #126, #147, and #154

    Posted 04-27-2018 20:28
    I pushed a change draft for the following fingerprint-related issues:   Issue #122 : "Clarify guidance for 'partialFingerprints' components" Issue #126 : "Add result.fingerprints array" Issue #147 : "Rename suggestion: toolFingerprintContributions -> partialFingerprints, computedFingerprints -> fingerprints" Issue #154 : "Define a "result management system" conformance profile"   #154 is fingerprint-related because the new guidance on fingerprint computation imposed normative requirements on the result management system.   The change draft is:   Documents/ChangeDrafts/Active/sarif-v2.0-issues-122-126-147-154-fingerprint-guidance-and-full-fingerprints.docx   I added one Word comment where I’m not sure I wrote the right thing.   I’ll move to adopt the change draft, addressing all four issues, at the TC meeting on May 2 nd .   Thanks, Larry