OASIS Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) TC

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Preliminary agenda for tomorrow

  • 1.  Preliminary agenda for tomorrow

    Posted 02-19-2019 19:22
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    I will post the final version of this agenda when we have a Skype meeting in place and a document for the previous minutes. In the meantime, I'm sending this out so people can prepare. David Title: Agenda for February 20, 2019 Agenda for February 20, 2019 MEETING OF OASIS SARIF TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Time 09:30-11:30 PST 17:30-19:30 UTC Meeting Chat Location http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/sarif Meeting Audio and Screen Sharing To be supplied 1. Opening Activities 1.1 Opening comments (Co-Chair Keaton) 1.2 Introduction of participants/roll call (Co-Chair Cartey) 1.3 Procedures for this meeting (Co-Chair Keaton) 1.4 Approval of agenda (Co-Chair Keaton) 1.5 Approval of previous minutes [ Minutes of 2019-01-24~25 Meeting#31 To be supplied ] (Co-Chair Keaton) 1.6 Review of action items and resolutions (Secretary Meyer) 1.7 Identification of SARIF TC voting members (Co-Chair Cartey) 1.7.1 Prospective members attending their first meeting 1.7.2 Members attaining voting rights at the end of this meeting 1.7.3 Members losing voting rights if they have not joined this meeting by the time it ends 1.7.4 Members who previously lost voting rights who are attending this meeting 1.7.5 Members who have declared a leave of absence 2. Timeline Status 2.1 Note where we are on the schedule [ SARIF TC Timeline ] (Co-Chair Keaton)          - Working on CSD 2, with 36 open issues 3. Future Meetings 3.1 Future meeting schedule (Co-Chair Keaton) Proposed teleconference (Wednesday at 09:30 PST / 17:30 UTC for two hours) March 6 Proposed teleconference (Wednesday at 09:30 PDT / 16:30 UTC for two hours) (Please note US Daylight Saving Time begins March 10th) March 20 (Please note EU & UK Daylight Saving Time begins March 31st) 4. Document Progress (Co-Editors Golding and Fanning) 4.1 Editors' report 4.2 Approval of changes Location of change drafts: https://github.com/oasis-tcs/sarif-spec/tree/master/Documents/ChangeDrafts/Active Discuss the following items individually, then vote on them together unless someone would like to separate out an issue for individual vote. 4.2.1 Plug-ins/rules and metadata [ #179 ] [ #311 ] 4.2.2 Consider adding 'updated' baselineState [ #312 ] 4.2.3 Make result.ruleId a hierarchical string to accommodate sub-rules [ #146 ] 4.2.4 Consider splitting resultlevel into result.level and result.kind [ #317 ] 4.2.5 Consider adding a 'directory' role [ #322 ] 4.3 Discussions 4.3.1 [Larry] Consider removing localization support (and tool.language) entirely 4.3.2 Any document items that need to be discussed 5. Other Business 6. Resolutions and Decisions reached (by 10 minutes prior to scheduled meeting end) 6.1 End debate of other issues by 10 minutes prior to scheduled meeting end and follow the agenda from this point (Co-Chair Keaton) 6.2 Review of Decisions Reached (Secretary Meyer) 6.3 Review of Action Items (Secretary Meyer) 7. Next Meeting March 6, 2019 (proposed) / 09:30-11:30 PST / 17:30-19:30 UTC 8. Adjournment


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