OASIS Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) TC

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GitHub for samples, etc [ Raw minutes of SARIF #5 meeting 2017-10-25 ]

  • 1.  GitHub for samples, etc [ Raw minutes of SARIF #5 meeting 2017-10-25 ]

    Posted 10-26-2017 16:31
    Re David Keaton's reply to  Paul Anderson [ provide samples for documenting their use of markup ] > I would suggest appending it to the discussion of the github issue, to make it easy for people to retrieve.  (You could submit it as a document to the SARIF TC web site, but the most unofficial type of document it accepts is called "Draft" which is not really what you are submitting.) 1) Using the GitHub repo's comment/conversation mechanism is just fine for collaboration; you can always use a TC discussion mailing list (or a TC Wiki, or the TC Kavi repo), but it's your choice as to venue: they all work 2) Any kind of content contributed as part of a TC's technical discussion is deemed to be "at working draft level ", even if it is not structured and  composed in template form with a document cover page, etc.   So my recommendation is to not fret about templates and style for bits and pieces that are in draft -- which may or may not be incorporated into some formal document at some time, by document editors. What's important?  Engagement, conversation, respectful debate, and enjoying the dialog with other bright people.  GitHub Issues will work for that in many cases. Cheers, - Robin On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 10:54 AM, David Keaton < dmk@dmk.com > wrote: Paul,      Thanks for asking!      I would suggest appending it to the discussion of the github issue, to make it easy for people to retrieve.  (You could submit it as a document to the SARIF TC web site, but the most unofficial type of document it accepts is called "Draft" which is not really what you are submitting.)      If you go to the comment box at the bottom of the following github issue, it contains a note that says you can drag and drop a document into a comment. https://github.com/oasis-tcs/s arif-spec/issues/55                                         David On 10/26/2017 06:35 AM, Paul Anderson wrote: Hi: [20:03] Stefan: Paul and Yekatarina to provide samples for documenting their use of markup What's the preferred way of sharing this? -Paul ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------- To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at: https://www.oasis-open.org/app s/org/workgroup/portal/my_work groups.php -- Robin Cover OASIS, Director of Information Services Editor, Cover Pages and XML Daily Newslink Email: robin@oasis-open.org Staff bio: http://www.oasis-open.org/people/staff/robin-cover Cover Pages: http://xml.coverpages.org/ Newsletter: http://xml.coverpages.org/newsletterArchive.html Tel: +1 972-296-1783