OASIS Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) TC

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  • 1.  New CSD.1 issues

    Posted 05-04-2018 17:24
    I opened these two issues:   #157 : Clarify requirements on tool.semanticVersion   It  MAY  be present, and it must conform to SemVer in both syntax and semantics.   #158 : Introduce result.correlationId and clarify purpose of result.fingerprints We will have: 1.      result.id , a GUID, unique across every result reported in every run. 2.      result.correlationId , a GUID, common to a set of results that are logically identical. 3.      result.fingerprints , an array of calculated values, each of which captures a stable identifier for a set of logically identical results. An array, so that a result management system can improve a fingerprint without losing the old value. This supports both Michael’s and Yekaterina’s/SCA’s usage scenarios. Larry