OASIS Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) TC

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  • 1.  Good bye and thanks for these interesting years of meetings

    Posted 12-27-2018 13:34
    Dear members of the SARIF TC, after more than a decade of OASIS community services, I decided that others will take over and be at least as good as I could be, so ... it is goodbye and thank you for bearing with me all these years. Only required properties accessible ~ f(1), f(log n) or f(n) to you guys, and may all your versions be fully forward and mostly backward compatible ... All the best, Stefan

  • 2.  RE: [sarif] Good bye and thanks for these interesting years of meetings

    Posted 12-27-2018 22:42
    Stefan, Thank you for your careful work and valuable assistance. We were very fortunate to have the benefit of your vast experience. I especially, since this was my first TC of any kind, was particularly grateful for it. Best regards, Larry