I pushed a change draft for Issue #164 : Fuzzy partial fingerprint matching and fingerprint versioning Documents/ChangeDrafts/Active/sarif-v2.0-issue-164-versioned-hierarchical-string.docx I will move its adoption at TC #19 on June 6 th . The bulk of the change is the addition of the concept of “versioned hierarchical strings” (a special case of the existing concept of “hierarchical strings”). Having defined the concept, the remainder of the change is simply to declare the property names in result.fingerprints and result.partialFingerprints as versioned hierarchical strings (they were already vanilla hierarchical strings). Versioned hierarchical strings Certain hierarchical strings in this specification (for example, the property names in result.fingerprints (§3.19.10) and result.partialFingerprints (§3.19.11)) are said to be “versioned.” This means that if the last component of the string is of the form version component = "v", non negative integer then a SARIF consumer SHALL consider that component to represent the version number of the entity specified by the string. The description of every versioned hierarchical string will state that it is versioned. NOTE: A versioned hierarchical string does not need to include a version component. The syntax permits but does not require it. In string-valued properties and property names that are described as hierarchical but not as versioned, a final component matching the syntax of version component has no special meaning, and a SARIF consumer SHALL NOT interpret it as a version number. For an example, see §3.19.11. Thanks, Larry