I pushed a change draft for Issue #90 , which we agreed to in TC #9 (the face-to-face meeting). Documents/ChangeDrafts/Active/sarif-v2.0-issue-90-fileLocation.docx Recall that the issue here is that there are several objects in the SARIF format which contain a pair of properties: a URI-valued property (usually but not always named uri ) and a URI base id valued property (usually but not always called uriBaseId ). The change is to package this frequently-occurring pair of properties into its own object, named fileLocation . NOTE : The issue originally suggested that the new object be named “uriReference” but I think “fileLocation” is a better name. The new object is the location of a file; it is not a “reference to a URI”. I have added this item to the Agenda that’s checked into the repo, and I will move for its adoption at the next TC meeting. David , would you please add this item to the HTML version of the agenda, as: 4.2.9 Introduce fileLocation object [ #90 ] Thanks, Larry