OASIS Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) TC

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[sarif] Raw chat trace from 2019-03-13

  • 1.  [sarif] Raw chat trace from 2019-03-13

    Posted 03-13-2019 18:36
    anonymous morphed into [Co-Chair] David Keaton [Co-Chair] David Keaton: Time 09:30-11:30 PDT 16:30-19:30 UTC Meeting Chat Location http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/sarif Meeting Audio and Screen Sharing https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MDkxYzBiMzgtMzUyOC00ZTdjLTk0YmItMzVmMDU0Njc0Y2Mz%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2272f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2230165b06-8cc2-49da-938d-e00658ccc86a%22%7d 1. Opening Activities 1.1 Opening comments (Co-Chair Keaton) 1.2 Introduction of participants/roll call (Co-Chair Cartey) 1.3 Procedures for this meeting (Co-Chair Keaton) 1.4 Approval of agenda (Co-Chair Keaton) 1.5 Approval of previous minutes [Minutes of 2019-02-20 Meeting#32] (Co-Chair Keaton) 1.6 Review of action items and resolutions (Secretary Meyer) 1.7 Identification of SARIF TC voting members (Co-Chair Cartey) 1.7.1 Prospective members attending their first meeting 1.7.2 Members attaining voting rights at the end of this meeting 1.7.3 Members losing voting rights if they have not joined this meeting by the time it ends 1.7.4 Members who previously lost voting rights who are attending this meeting 1.7.5 Members who have declared a leave of absence 2. Timeline Status 2.1 Note where we are on the schedule [SARIF TC Timeline] (Co-Chair Keaton)          - Scheduled to vote out CSD 2 in two weeks 3. Future Meetings 3.1 Future meeting schedule (Co-Chair Keaton) Scheduled teleconference (Wednesday at 09:30 PDT / 16:30 UTC for two hours) (Please note the US is now on Daylight Saving Time) March 27 -- approve CSD.2 (Please note Daylight Saving Time for EU & UK begins March 31) 4. Document Progress (Co-Editors Golding and Fanning) 4.1 Editors' report 4.2 Approval of design changes (* = change draft available) Location of change drafts: https://github.com/oasis-tcs/sarif-spec/tree/master/Documents/ChangeDrafts/Active Discuss the following items individually, then vote on them together unless someone would like to separate out an issue for individual vote. 4.2.1 Rename all 'instanceGuid' properties to 'guid' [#341] 4.2.2 Allow toolComponents to be externalized [#337] 4.2.3 Introduce new localization mechanism [#338] 4.2.4 Define a reportingDescriptorReference object [#324] 4.2.5 Define result taxonomies [#314] 4.2.6 Add address property to a location object [#302] 4.2.7 Inline logicalLocation object in location [#340]* 4.2.8 External property file related renames [#335]* 4.2.9 Change run.graphs and result.graphs from objects to arrays [#326]* 4.3 Approval of change drafts (non-design-changing) Location of change drafts: https://github.com/oasis-tcs/sarif-spec/tree/master/Documents/ChangeDrafts/Active Discuss the following items individually, then vote on them together unless someone would like to separate out an issue for individual vote. 4.3.1 Remove invocation.attachments [#327] 4.3.2 Provide a caching mechanism for duplicated code flow data [#320] 4.3.3 Update logical location kinds to accommodate XML and JSON paths [#291] 4.4 Discussions 4.4.1 Any document items that need to be discussed 5. Other Business 6. Resolutions and Decisions reached (by 10 minutes prior to scheduled meeting end) 6.1 End debate of other issues by 10 minutes prior to scheduled meeting end and follow the agenda from this point (Co-Chair Keaton) 6.2 Review of Decisions Reached (Secretary Meyer) 6.3 Review of Action Items (Secretary Meyer) 7. Next Meeting March 27, 2019 / 09:30-11:30 PDT / 16:30-18:30 UTC 8. Adjournment [Co-Chair] David Keaton: Agenda URL: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/64853/agenda_20190313.html anonymous morphed into Michael C. Fanning Chris Meyer: David convenes Chris Meyer: LC: roll call Chris Meyer: Attendees: Michael, David, Larry, Luke, Jim, Henny, Chris Chris Meyer: 7 members present => quorum Chris Meyer: Approval of agenda: Moved by MF, seconded. Chris Meyer: Agenda approved without objectction. Chris Meyer: Approval of previous minutes: moved by MF, seconded, approved without objection. Chris Meyer: Luke: No changes to voting membership. Chris Meyer: DMK: Timeline: Votingon CSD.2. in two weeks Chris Meyer: DMK: Future meetings: March 27 / 09:30-11:30 PDT / 16:30-18:30 UTC Katrina O`Neil: i am having trouble connecting Chris Meyer: Editors' report Chris Meyer: MF: Close on high-level schema for the format [Co-Chair] David Keaton: Katrina - This is the audio link in case you are still having trouble https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MDkxYzBiMzgtMzUyOC00ZTdjLTk0YmItMzVmMDU0Njc0Y2Mz%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2272f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2230165b06-8cc2-49da-938d-e00658ccc86a%22%7d Chris Meyer: Rename all 'instanceGuid' properties to 'guid' [#341] Chris Meyer: Allow toolComponents to be externalized [#337] Chris Meyer: Introduce new localization mechanism [#338] Chris Meyer: LG: designs on translations and taxonomies Chris Meyer: MF: showing sample log Chris Meyer: MF: suggest a localizationSemanticVersion property that indicates a tool component's need for re-localization Chris Meyer: JK: describes relevant scenario for example Chris Meyer: JK: maybe we need two properties to differentiate Chris Meyer: MF: disagree, creates confusion. one property that should have two meanings Chris Meyer: JK: what if translatable data is included directly in the tool Chris Meyer: MF: tool vendor needs to maintain its semantic version Chris Meyer: MF: suggest we accept two-property design Chris Meyer: LG: every tool property has associatedComponent"identity Chris Meyer: (Discussion of property naming) Chris Meyer: JK: no mechanism that indicates the need for translation [Co-Chair] David Keaton: We now have all 9 voting members present. Chris Meyer: LG: I yield, but this is why I wanted separate objects Chris Meyer: LG: names TBD Chris Meyer: Add address property to a location object [#302] Chris Meyer: MF: proposal is not accurately described in the issue Chris Meyer: MF: we should move address to physicalLocation Chris Meyer: PA & LG: capitulate Chris Meyer: brb Chris Meyer: PA: section name could be repeated in an exe Chris Meyer: PA: we should have an additional field to differentiate Chris Meyer: MF: at one point we had this but it's been repurposed Chris Meyer: MF: add new int property "internalIndex"? Chris Meyer: PA: this is similar to logicalLocation Chris Meyer: MF: like logicalLocations, the chain provides uniqueness Chris Meyer: MF: different offsets, for ex. Chris Meyer: PA: perhaps existing options are sufficient Chris Meyer: MF: suggest we stay with the proposed change, add fullyQualifiedName, and perform some test log generation Chris Meyer: Inline logicalLocation object in location [#340]* Chris Meyer: No changes requested Michael C. Fanning: I move to accept #341, #337, #340 unchanged. Update #338, #324, #314 according to schema. #302, move address to physicalLocation, accept run.address, add address.fullyQualifiedName, artifactContent.rendered (a multiformat string) Chris Meyer: Motion seconded and approved Chris Meyer: DK: e-ballot to close on open issues Chris Meyer: DK: we will have final document for next meeting Chris Meyer: LG: unsure of short time window post-ballot Chris Meyer: MF: delay next meeting or add another? Chris Meyer: DK: we should delay Chris Meyer: MF: move to reschedule next meeting to 4/3 Chris Meyer: JK: need at least a week to review editorial changes Chris Meyer: LG: current provisional draft requires significant work Chris Meyer: Motion approved without objection Chris Meyer: MF: motion to adjourn, seconded, approved without objection Chris Meyer: DK: meeting adjourned.