OASIS Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) TC

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Change draft for #267: Allow multiple properties in external files

  • 1.  Change draft for #267: Allow multiple properties in external files

    Posted 10-23-2018 21:15
    I pushed a change draft for Issue #267, “Allow multiple properties in external files”:   Documents/ChangeDrafts/Active/sarif-v2.0-issue-267-multiple-properties-in-external-file.docx   We will move its adoption at tomorrow’s TC meeting.   This comes from Michael’s idea: you might have a huge results array, but the rest of the externalizable properties might be small. In that case you might want to keep the results array in the root file, and externalize all the other properties to a single external file. (Of course, the alternative would be to externalize the results array and leave the rest of the properties in the root file.)   While writing this I came up with what I think is a better set of names for some of the objects and properties, as follows:   Rename the externalFile object to propertyFile . Rename the externalizedProperty object to sarifProperties . In the run object: Rename the externalFiles property to propertyFiles .   I came to this conclusion after searching for the word “external” in the spec and realizing that we use the term “external file” generically, to refer to any file that’s not part of the SARIF log file. So using “external file” to specifically mean a file that contains external properties would be confusing.   This in turn feeds into my suggestions for filename extensions (Issue #118), which is, by design, on the agenda immediately after #267.   Thanks, Larry