OASIS Variability Exchange Language (VEL) TC

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Request a TC GitHub version control instance be created

  • 1.  Request a TC GitHub version control instance be created

    Posted 11-29-2019 09:44
    Submitted on Friday, November 29, 2019 - 09:43 Submitted by user: Submitted values are: Your name: Uwe Ryssel TC name: OASIS Variability Exchange Language (VEL) TC TC email address: vel@lists.oasis-open.org GitHub repository name: vel Maintainer(s): Uwe Ryssel, @UweRyssel, uwe.ryssel@pure-systems.com Description: Repository for the OASIS Variability Exchange Language (VEL) standard draft. Purpose statement : Notes: The results of this submission may be viewed at: http://tools.oasis-open.org/issues/browse/TCADMIN