OASIS Variability Exchange Language (VEL) TC

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Not attending the meeting on 2019-11-11

  • 1.  Not attending the meeting on 2019-11-11

    Posted 10-28-2019 14:52
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    Dear colleagues,
    I will not be able to attend the next VEL meeting on 2019-11-11.

    Damir NeÅiÄ
    PhD student/MSc projects coordinator
    KTH Royal Institute of Technology
    School of Industrial Engineering and Management
    Machine Design/Mechatronics Division
    BrinellvÃgen 83, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
    Phone: +46-8-790 63 03, Mobile: +46-73-765 20 74
    damirn@kth.se ,