OASIS Collaborative Automated Course of Action Operations (CACAO) for Cyber Secu

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Re: [cacao] Outstanding Ballots

  • 1.  Re: [cacao] Outstanding Ballots

    Posted 04-03-2020 14:29
    Hi Pat - I think the working calls have been well attended for the most part. I will note that several of the regular attendees to the working calls, and who have voting rights, didn't actually vote on the ballots. We missed one of the ballots passing by 2 votes. So we would always welcome more participation on working calls. The lack of votes on the ballot were not because of lack of registered voters that could have voted on the ballots. Allan ïOn 4/3/20, 6:10 AM, "MARONEY, PATRICK" <rx118r@att.com> wrote: THIS EMAIL ORIGINATES FROM OUTSIDE OF LOOKINGGLASS Re: "- I believe this was primarily because folks didn't vote as there were no *no* votes. Just lack of yes votes." Suggestion: Adoption of a more traditional OASIS TC process with monthly TC meetings that count towards voting rights (vs. having working meetings count towards same) might greatly extend voting rights to interested stakeholders. The current cadence/process make it impossible to achieve voting rights for some of us. In my case I have a standing weekly meeting that will always conflict with the current consensus Tuesday CACAO calls A monthly TC call that determines voting rights (with evening sessions for those that have conflicts/time zone issues) could potentially double the roster of voting eligible members. I of course understand the difficulties of chairing Day/Evening sessions. But a change to more traditional TC meetings/voting rights MAY improve participation. Row Labels Count of Id Chair 2 Member 27 OASIS Staff Contact 2 Observer 20 Secretary 3 Voting Member 20 Grand Total 74 Give it a try perhaps for a month or so? Patrick Maroney Principal Cybersecurity AT&T Chief Security Office