Jason as we have a rev to the requirements doc to add, then maybe that s what we do.
Originally the terminology was part of the requirements doc and pulled out as a separate reference in the belief that it will be referenced by other docs also.
If the TC agree its best to just add to the requirements doc then the next rev can do that.
Allan Thomson
CTO ( +1-408-331-6646)
LookingGlass Cyber Solutions
From: Jason Keirstead <
Date: Friday, April 3, 2020 at 8:37 AM
To: Allan Thomson <
Cc: "cacao@lists.oasis-open.org" <
cacao@lists.oasis-open.org>, "rx118r@att.com" <
Subject: RE: [cacao] Outstanding Ballots
I will admit freely - I did not even know there were two Notes at play here, that is why I only voted on one. I didn't see the other one and didn't know it existed
until it was remarked the other day that it didn't pass.
Looking at it, its an 11 page document with only a page of actual content (the other 10 pages are OASIS template) - why wasn't this just put in the 1 note on requirements?
Jason Keirstead
Chief Architect - IBM Security Threat Management
www.ibm.com/security "Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It's quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure."
- Thomas J. Watson