Registration is open for the SBOM/OpenC2/OCA/IACD/CACAO/SCAPv2 Interoperability PoC/Plugfest/Hackathon next Wednesday. You can register at . This is a mashup of meetups combing all these concepts to show the value of automated defense. Note that although we are making use of many OASIS specifications, this is not an OASIS event and is open to everyone. More information can be found at . The agenda ( ) has several “plenary sessions” including keynotes by Bank of America, NIST, NTIA, and NSA; and several breakout sessions for interoperability testing, SBOM creation, SBOM analysis, use case creation, CACAO playbook development, hackathon, and anything else participants desire including showing off your automated cyberdefense toys. Google donated GCP resources for our use and MQTT and OpenDxl brokers are already up and running that some of the participants have been testing with already. The opening plenary is a series of 3-min videos by participants on what they are bringing to the plugfest. Anybody have a 3 min video on CACAO I could play? Also, If you want to participate and want a 3 min video slot on whatever you are working on, let me know. We are intending to have a CACAO breakout track and there has already been some work on using CACAO to describe the use cases being looked at. Sign up if you’d like to participate. Duncan Sparrell sFractal Consulting LLC iPhone, iTypo, iApologize I welcome VSRE emails. Learn more at /