(please reply only to the list)
It worked beautifully. Now I have only to add all the things for a
double sided print out which so far I have avoided but the thumb index
is wanted only one every second (odd) page. Thanks a lot!
Kind regards Bernhard
Am 24.07.2020 um 15:03 schrieb Jirka Kosek:
> [Putting the discussion back to the list....]
> On 23.7.2020 10:52, Bernhard Kleine wrote:
>> I am unable to locate the template named footer.table in the entire
>> Oxygen 20.1 directory. I am confused. Please where do I have to look?
> In fo/pagesetup.xsl file:
>> When I started a new template footer.table and inserted your code, it
>> choked on this line: variable not found!
> You have to copy original template from the file above into your
> customization layer and then add thumb register snippet above the
> following line:
D-79853 lenzkirch
bernhard.kleine@gmx.netwww.b-kleine.com, www.urseetal.net
Ich darf auch auf mein neues Buch "Falter in Lenzkirch" aufmerksam machen
(Infos bei mir)
thunderbird mit enigmail
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