Hi Robert,
> [... intro pruned ...]
> first, here's my incredibly trivial test.db5:
> <book xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0">
> <info>
> <subtitle>My subtitle</subtitle>
> </info>
> </book>
> so far, so good?
It seems valid. :-)
> and, based on my reading so far (just getting
> started), there's nothing i can add to associate that file with a
> particular relaxng schema is there? equivalent to a DTD
> specification?
Right, there is no DOCTYPE, namespace, or anything similar for
Some tools insert a processing instruction (like the oXygen XML
editor) but as far as I know, it is not a common procedure.
> next, i can dig into my docbook5-schemas package to see the files:
> ...
> /usr/share/xml/docbook5/schema/rng
> /usr/share/xml/docbook5/schema/rng/5.0
> /usr/share/xml/docbook5/schema/rng/5.0/catalog.xml
> /usr/share/xml/docbook5/schema/rng/5.0/docbook.rnc
> /usr/share/xml/docbook5/schema/rng/5.0/docbook.rng
> /usr/share/xml/docbook5/schema/rng/5.0/docbookxi.rnc
> /usr/share/xml/docbook5/schema/rng/5.0/docbookxi.rng
> ...
> if i just want to validate that file against the relaxng schema with
> xmllint, i have to *explicitly* list the schema file as follows,
> correct?
Yes, that's correct.
> $ xmllint --relaxng /usr/share/xml/docbook5/schema/rng/5.0/docbook.rng test.db5
> <book xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0">
> <info>
> <subtitle>My subtitle</subtitle>
> </info>
> </book>
> test.db5 validates
I'm not sure about the RELAX NG support in xmllint. Last time I
tried to validate a DocBook5 document with xmllint I had some
problems. Maybe your file is a very simple case for xmllint.
For this reason, check your documents with Jing too.
> any shortcuts for that? as in (like i asked before) incorporating a
> reference to the schema in the file itself?
Not that I'm aware of any. (Of course, you can always "invent" some
magic with processing instruction or the like, but I skip this.)
> and finally, to generate the HTML, i can use the handy-dandy "xmlto"
> utility but i have to explicitly skip validation since the underlying
> xsltproc program that will be called can't validate relaxng.
> [...]
I would call/run xsltproc directly.
> and that seems to work. so, to summarize (and let me know if i'm
> out to lunch here):
> 1) my test.db5 file is an adequate example of docbook5 input.
Yes, it's correct.
> 2) if i want to validate against a relaxng schema with xmllint, i
> *must* explicitly do it as i did above, since db5 doesn't support(?)
> adding an internal reference to that kind of schema, correct?
It is not DocBook5, it is a "concept" from RELAX NG.
> 3) at this time, actual processing utilities may not have relaxng
> support so it's wise to separate the validation step from the
> processing step, as i did above.
With "processing step" you mean transformation?
In that case, it is not a matter of wise or not. Normally you do
(or should do) always validation and after this step, you transform
your document. A tool could combine these steps (and some actually do),
but internally, it works this way (first validation, second transformation).
> any comments on the above? simplifications? blatant oversights?
It makes sense. :) I would recommend to write a Makefile to simplify
your tasks. Normally this makes it easier: you don't have to memorize
all the command line tools and options. ;)
> p.s. for no good reason, i want to clarify these steps so i can write
> a one-page wiki entry on how to get started playing with docbook5 on
> fedora linux.
Sounds good. :-)