
  • 1.  html marker in chunk index

    Posted 07-18-2007 10:10
    Hi !

    I have a problem with docbook 1.72 that I already had with previous version 1.68 : in the index.html file generated for the chunk output, the marker <html> is only "html>".
    In the xsl chunk-common.xsl it's wrote "<html>", do someone know from where it could come ? docbook ? xslt ? and maybe how I can solve it ?
    It's much unpleasant than blocking, but as I generate many docs in one time, it's heavy to correct them all...

    thanks !

  • 2.  Re: [docbook-apps] html marker in chunk index

    Posted 07-23-2007 11:43
    Responding to myself because I
    found from where it come...
    It comes from this in my custom xsl :
    <xsl:output method="html" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes" />

    it's caused by the indent="yes", it generates the following html code for the index.html :
    <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <title>My Test Book</title>
    do someone have any idea of where to correct this ? is it xsltproc fault ? I have this result with all docbook xsl I tested : 1.68, 1.72, 1.73...

    thanks again :)

    Marie Sauvage - EBM WebSourcing a écrit :
    Hi !

    I have a problem with docbook 1.72 that I already had with previous version 1.68 : in the index.html file generated for the chunk output, the marker <html> is only "html>".
    In the xsl chunk-common.xsl it's wrote "<html>", do someone know from where it could come ? docbook ? xslt ? and maybe how I can solve it ?
    It's much unpleasant than blocking, but as I generate many docs in one time, it's heavy to correct them all...

    thanks !

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