
  • 1.  Re: [docbook-apps] Storing data within Docbook?

    Posted 12-23-2013 01:14

    On 20/11/13 10:53, David Cramer wrote:

    Jirka's suggestion is the best approach. It gives you all the flexiblity
    in the world with no extra work. Here's how it might look:


    <vadim:metadata xmlns:vadim="http://somedomain-you-own/some-namespace-you-makeup"<http://somedomain-you-own/some-namespace-you-makeup>>
    Ipsum lorem. Stuff readers see goes here.


    DocBook's info element and its contents are already ignored by the xslts.
    You can encode your data in xml as complex as it needs to be in a namespace
    of your invention. Here's another way of doing it if you don't like namespace prefixes:

    <metadata xmlns="http://somedomain-you-own/some-namespace-you-makeup"<http://somedomain-you-own/some-namespace-you-makeup>>
    Ipsum lorem. Stuff readers see goes here.

    I'm having difficulty embedding elements of the XHTML namespace within my metadata. It seems that with either of the approaches above, I cannot use the elements in the XHTML namespace - but any other namespace works. Quite strange. Here's an annotated snippet:

    <requirement name="Person identifier"

    The document SHALL contain the individual's [...].

    <babbah:div xmlns=""<>
    <babbah:div style="text-align: left;">Allows interoperability. Eliminates ambiguity. [...]</babbah:div>
    <requirement name="Person name"
    <xhtml:div xmlns=""<>
    <xhtml:p style="font-family: 'Lucida Sans'; text-align: left">The document SHALL contain the given (where applicable) and family name of the person the document relates to.</xhtml:p>

    Why would the DocBook 5 ( schema be disallowing xhtml specifically and/or what is the error?


    On 11/19/2013 06:36 PM, Vadim Peretokin wrote:

    This sounds really interesting and viable, the second being the
    profiling of the role attribute (which I'd like to avoid if I can due to
    good advice given here
    <><>). However it
    seems the schema doesn't allow adding other elements, even from other
    namespaces? Adding an an <extradata:info> to a <row> (the ideal
    situation; easiest to deal with then when working with XSLT on it!)
    gives a validation error: E [Jing] element "extradata:info" not allowed
    here; expected element "entry" or "entrytbl"

    On 19/11/13 23:19, Jirka Kosek wrote:

    On 19.11.2013 1:34, Vadim Peretokin wrote:

    I'm transforming some data from an XML format into a Docbook table - but not all of the data in the XML is to be displayed in Docbook. I would, however, like to store it in my Docbook XML - because future transformations would like to read my Docbook XML and they'd need all of the data that went into it. I'd rather not introduce a secondary file for storing the extra data - this would bring complications and fragility.

    The easiest way to do this is to add <info> element to the table and put
    you raw XML data there -- they just must be in different namespace then
    DocBook in order to validate.



    Vadim Peretokin
    Clinical Information Modeller
    *nehta - National E-Health Transition Authority*
    Level 2, 10 Browning St, West End, QLD 4101, Australia
    Phone: (0) 3023 8573
    Email:<> <><>
    Web:<> <><>

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  • 2.  Re: [docbook-apps] Storing data within Docbook?

    Posted 12-23-2013 15:55
    Looking at docbook.rng, I see that the xhtml namespace is explicitly
    excluded. I don't know why they schema is written that way; perhaps
    someone else can explain the rational:

    <define name="db._any">
    <a:documentation>Any element from almost any
    <nsName ns=""/>
    <ref name="db._any.attribute"/>
    <ref name="db._any"/>

    You could store it in any namespace other than xhtml and convert it back
    when you use it downstream.


    On 12/22/2013 07:14 PM, Vadim Peretokin wrote:
    > I'm having difficulty embedding elements of the XHTML namespace within
    > my metadata. It seems that with either of the approaches above, I cannot
    > use the elements in the XHTML namespace - but any other namespace works.
    > Quite strange. Here's an annotated snippet:
    > <informaltable>
    > <info>
    > [...]
    > <requirement name="Person identifier"
    > number="[...]"
    > ea-id="[...]">
    > <detail>
    > xmlns="**">

    The document SHALL contain the individual's [...].


    > </detail>
    > <rationale>
    > <*babbah*:div
    > xmlns=""
    > xmlns:configuration=""
    > xmlns:headline=""
    > xmlns:rtf="">
    > <babbah:div style="text-align: left;">Allows
    > interoperability. Eliminates ambiguity. [...]</babbah:div>
    > </babbah:div>
    > </rationale>
    > </requirement>
    > <requirement name="Person name"
    > number="[...]"
    > ea-id="[...]">
    > <detail>
    > <*xhtml*:div
    > xmlns=""
    > xmlns:configuration=""
    > xmlns:headline=""
    > xmlns:rtf="">
    > <xhtml:p style="font-family: 'Lucida Sans';
    > text-align: left">The document SHALL contain the given (where
    > applicable) and family name of the person the document relates to.</xhtml:p>
    > </xhtml:div>
    > </detail>
    > Why would the DocBook 5 ( schema be
    > disallowing xhtml specifically and/or what is the error?