I had a document that stopped producing PDF using FOP 0.20.5 on
Fedora Core 5, yesterday. I switched from fop 0.20.5 and
docbook-xsl-1.69.1-5 to fop 0.93 and docbook-xsl-1.72. I can now
produce PDF output. I'm using xsltproc from libxml2-2.6.23-1.2. I
had to remove the --stringparam fop.extentions 1, or fop 0.93 blows
up. Unfortunately, my right arrow seems to have disappeared in the
My html output still looks OK.
I am still using docbook 4.4.
My input hasn't changed and looks like:
It now produces "Files # Exit", instead of the right arrow where the # is.
Any ideas?