Nelson, Dean wrote:
> All,
> Has anyone seen a difference in how the tables are done in FOP 0.93 vs
> 0.20.5?
> With 0.20.5 all of my tables showed up correctly. But with 0.93 the
> tables that are over two pages show up on one page. They show up like
> they would on the last page of the table but the table goes off the top.
> I'm using Saxon 6.5.5, FOP 0.93 and Docbook 4.4 with the 1.71.1
> stylesheets.
> Dean Nelson
> Sr. Software Engineer
> Enterprise Electronics Corp
> <>
> "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes
> off your goal." - Henry Ford
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Maybe that will help you?:'s about two extensions who help you to keep your content together, maybe
there is something set in the stylesheets that you don't want.
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