> One thing I don't get,
> is how you can use CSS for PDF layout?
A style declaration on a table element such as TD is valid in Docbook XML.
The customization I wrote converts that style declaration to FO attributes.
If we were outputting to HTML I'd let them pass through as is.
Antenna House V5 claims to have support for CSS3, however, I haven't
tested with the current V5 release. It was somewhat lacking in the
preview release.
Bergfrid Skaara wrote:
> Thanks!
> I converted some tables since I had to handle variable col width in
> addition to the borders and ruling and submit some draft PDFs
> yesterday. But I will definitively follow the table support
> development and test out this customization after my Easter vacation
> (I don't have access to the source currently). One thing I don't get,
> is how you can use CSS for PDF layout?
> FYI: yes. I'm using a (rather large) FO customization layer on top of
> DocBook. It handles mainly page layout, title page, running headers
> and footers, tables, shading, and olinks.
> Best regards,
> Bergfrid Skaara
> On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 5:08 PM, Shane Handford
> <
shandford@castlerockresearch.com> wrote:
>> Converting all of your tables might be a big undertaking and pointless if
>> you're never going to use CALS tables anywhere else.
>> Are you using a customization layer on top of docboook?
>> I added my own simple support for table borders defined in CSS yesterday.
>> This is an uber basic first attempt, needs further testing, and possible
>> error handling.
>> <xsl:template name="parse.style">
>> <xsl:param name="style"/>
>> <xsl:for-each select="tokenize(@style, ';')">
>> <xsl:if test="normalize-space(tokenize(., ':')[1]) != ''">
>> <xsl:attribute name="{normalize-space(tokenize(.,
>> ':')[1])}"><xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(tokenize(.,
>> ':')[2])"/></xsl:attribute>
>> </xsl:if>
>> </xsl:for-each>
>> </xsl:template>
>> Called from table.cell.properties like this:
>> <xsl:if test="@style"><xsl:call-template name="parse.style"><xsl:with-param
>> name="style"><xsl:value-of
>> select="@style"/></xsl:with-param></xsl:call-template></xsl:if>
>> Also, you can follow this bug to see updates and improvements for table
>> attributes:
>> Bob has already fixed a couple things I reported last week.
>> ~Shane
>> Bergfrid Skaara wrote:
>>> I see. Any idea about when we can expect improved support for HTML tables?
>>> It sounds like I'm better off converting all my tables, or at least
>>> those with complex layout, to CALS style to "regain" control. I have a
>>> deadline coming up in 30 days; at that point a committee will be
>>> deciding based on my PDF layout (among other things) whether or not to
>>> migrate to DocBook 5 from unstructured FrameMaker.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Bergfrid Skaara
>>> On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 5:50 PM, Shane Handford
>>> <
shandford@castlerockresearch.com> wrote:
>>>> I'm running into similar issues.
>>>> I believe that Docbook doesn't have complete support in the area of HTML
>>>> formated tables at the present time.
>>>> I'm currently working on a customization layer for borders specified with
>>>> CSS styles.
>>>> Also, I've had to add support in my customization layer for colspan,
>>>> rowspan, align, and valign.
>>>> I raised the colspan issue on this list last week and Bob Stayton had me
>>>> log
>>>> it as a bug. I'll be logging other issues towards the end of this week
>>>> after further research and experimentation.
>>>> If anyone has more info in this area I'd love to know.
>>>> ~Shane Handford
>>>> Bergfrid Skaara wrote:
>>>>> How do you set row borders and/or column borders for all HTML style
>>>>> tables in FO output? Can it be done in the stylesheets (for example
>>>>> in the table properties templates), or do you have to edit the
>>>>> attributes of all your tables? The latter seems inconvenient for a
>>>>> large documentation set..
>>>>> rowsep and colsep attributes on individual table elements are ignored
>>>>> and also not recognized by the shema. I do however have a rules
>>>>> attribute with values of all, cols, groups, none, and rows available
>>>>> on the table element, but these are not recognized by the stylesheet.
>>>>> I am using FOP and the DocBook 5 stylesheets and docbookxi.rng shcema
>>>>> embedded with oXygen XML Editor v 10.0.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Bergfrid Skaara
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>>>> Shane Handford
>>>> Web Developer
>>>> Castle Rock Research
>>>> 780.448.9619
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>> Shane Handford
>> Web Developer
>> Castle Rock Research
>> 780.448.9619