
  • 1.  … vs xmllint

    Posted 02-25-2010 11:32
    hi there,

    I have written a couple of Makefile rules to check my docbook XML is
    valid. for this task I used xmllint. It used to work pretty nicely up
    to now. Could someone please let me know what is the issue with the

    $ cat test.xml


  • 2.  Re: [docbook-apps] … vs xmllint

    Posted 02-25-2010 12:05
    Mathieu Malaterre wrote:

    > I have written a couple of Makefile rules to check my docbook XML is
    > valid. for this task I used xmllint. It used to work pretty nicely up
    > to now. Could someone please let me know what is the issue with the
    > following:
    > $ cat section.xml


  • 3.  Re: [docbook-apps] … vs xmllint

    Posted 02-25-2010 12:31
    On 25/02/10 12:04, Jirka Kosek wrote:

    > Please note that with XInclude included files
    > are parsed separately and then composed together -- you can't use
    > entities defined in the "main" file as it is possible when using
    > external entities for composition.

    Obvious... when I'm told!
    Thanks Jirka. It really does make sense to use numerical
    character entities with v5.0!
    Thank goodness for nxml-mode!


    Dave Pawson

  • 4.  Re: [docbook-apps] … vs xmllint

    Posted 02-25-2010 13:01
    Dave Pawson wrote:

    > Obvious... when I'm told!
    > Thanks Jirka. It really does make sense to use numerical
    > character entities with v5.0!

    I would definitively recommend using DocBook V5.0 with XInclude. Some
    parser can't cache and reuse DTD from individual xincluded files and if
    XInclude hundreds or thousands of files you can reach memory limit. Also
    some parsers who share DTDs can have problems if XIncluded files use
    different versions of DTD.

    No DTD, no need for pills!


    Jirka Kosek e-mail:
    Professional XML consulting and training services
    DocBook customization, custom XSLT/XSL-FO document processing
    OASIS DocBook TC member, W3C Invited Expert, ISO JTC1/SC34 member