
  • 1.  Round trip style sheets

    Posted 01-25-2011 08:07


    I am currentl working with the round-trip style sheets by converting
    Word 2010 documents into WordML 2003 documents and transforming with the
    round trip style sheets. My testing shows that there is pretty good
    support for paragraphs, tables, figures and lists but I noticed that "MS
    Word Headings" don't get converted to sections and chapters. (important
    to note: I have a German MS Word)

    Do the current style sheets support creating sections or is this
    something that I have to do myself by writing my own templates?

    Also, Is there any work planned for supporting transformations with
    OOXML? Sorry in advance if I missed any posts about this.


  • 2.  Re: [docbook-apps] Round trip style sheets

    Posted 01-26-2011 20:56
    Hi Scott,

    Firstly, it is feasible to transform MS Word 2007 documents directly using XSLT. I haven't yet looked at MS Word 2010 but I imagine that would be OK too. The trick is being able to unpack the .docx file, which is just a Zip file, and locate the document content, which is an XML document.

    Although the roundtrip stylesheets may not do "MS Word Headings" out-of-the-box, they do have an extension mechanism that would allow you to easily map those styles to something that is supported, like "sect1-title" or "chapter-title".

    The current stylesheets do not support creating unnumbered sections, mainly because that is difficult to model in the Word document. There may be a parameter to use sections instead of sect1/sect2/etc. In any case, it would be a simple matter to post-process the DocBook document to convert numbered sections to unnumbered.

    Regarding OOXML, I imagine that's not too far from WordML so it wouldn't be difficult. However, right now my big project is implementing XPath 2.0/XSLT 2.0 for libxml2/libxslt so I don't have any spare time to work on the roundtrip stylesheets :-(

    Steve Ball

    On 25/01/2011, at 7:07 PM, Speights, Scott wrote:

    > Hello,
    > I am currentl working with the round-trip style sheets by converting
    > Word 2010 documents into WordML 2003 documents and transforming with the
    > round trip style sheets. My testing shows that there is pretty good
    > support for paragraphs, tables, figures and lists but I noticed that "MS
    > Word Headings" don't get converted to sections and chapters. (important
    > to note: I have a German MS Word)
    > Do the current style sheets support creating sections or is this
    > something that I have to do myself by writing my own templates?
    > Also, Is there any work planned for supporting transformations with
    > OOXML? Sorry in advance if I missed any posts about this.
    > Thanks,
    > Scott
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  • 3.  RE: [docbook-apps] Round trip style sheets

    Posted 01-27-2011 15:12
    I'm interested in trying out the roundtrip stylesheets for my own project. I have already downloaded the latest version. Is there a basic set of directions anywhere as to how to use them? My first attempts failed, and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

