
  • 1.  Antenna House Formatter - customising extensions

    Posted 09-23-2012 10:46
    I'd like to move from RenderX XEP to Antenna House Formatter because it
    seems to offer better typography and page layout for complex material.
    But looking at their website, in particular the axf extensions
    available, I can't determine whether:
    1. all the extensions come bundled with the formatter out of the box, or
    2. if there are supporting stylesheets available at cost I need to
    integrate with my customisations, or
    3. if there are only examples of stylesheet implementations available
    for individual extensions, which I would then need to copy and somehow
    get to work with DocBook.

    I've read a few posts about others who were looking at AXF - which of
    the options above is correct? I need to know if what I spend on the
    formatter is going to be good value, or if I need to still put in a lot
    more effort and dollars to get the extensions working.

  • 2.  Re: [docbook-apps] Antenna House Formatter - customising extensions

    Posted 09-23-2012 14:16
    On 23.9.2012 12:46, Xmplar wrote:

    > But looking at their website, in particular the axf extensions
    > available, I can't determine whether:
    > 1. all the extensions come bundled with the formatter out of the box, or

    Extensions available depends on version you purchase (Full/Lite) and
    some of them are available if you buy some additional add-on.

    > 2. if there are supporting stylesheets available at cost I need to
    > integrate with my customisations, or

    Standard DocBook XSL stylesheets supports some extensions for document
    metadata, PDF bookmarks and index creation.

    > 3. if there are only examples of stylesheet implementations available
    > for individual extensions, which I would then need to copy and somehow
    > get to work with DocBook.

    If you need something additional except few things I have mentioned
    above you will have to customize stylesheets.


    Jirka Kosek e-mail:
    Professional XML consulting and training services
    DocBook customization, custom XSLT/XSL-FO document processing
    OASIS DocBook TC member, W3C Invited Expert, ISO JTC1/SC34 member

  • 3.  Re: [docbook-apps] Antenna House Formatter - customising extensions

    Posted 09-23-2012 21:07
    Thanks Jirka,
    Now I know what I'm up for - a small amount of extra code in FO, or a
    heap of stylesheet development. So I need to learn how to
    reverse-engineer FO back to DocBook stylesheet templates.

    On 24-09-12 12:15 AM, Jirka Kosek wrote:
    > On 23.9.2012 12:46, Xmplar wrote:
    >> But looking at their website, in particular the axf extensions
    >> available, I can't determine whether:
    >> 1. all the extensions come bundled with the formatter out of the box, or
    > Extensions available depends on version you purchase (Full/Lite) and
    > some of them are available if you buy some additional add-on.
    >> 2. if there are supporting stylesheets available at cost I need to
    >> integrate with my customisations, or
    > Standard DocBook XSL stylesheets supports some extensions for document
    > metadata, PDF bookmarks and index creation.
    >> 3. if there are only examples of stylesheet implementations available
    >> for individual extensions, which I would then need to copy and somehow
    >> get to work with DocBook.
    > If you need something additional except few things I have mentioned
    > above you will have to customize stylesheets.
    > Jirka

    *Dave Gardiner*
    Mob. 0416 833 993