Hi all
I'm having some issues with modular documents. I'm using xmlto
http://cyberelk.net/tim/software/xmlto/to process the DocBook to HTML. xmlto uses xsltproc. I'm using XXE from
XMLMind to edit (I posted a different version of this mail to the XXE
support list).
(1) When xi:including elements in the same document, XXE writes e.g.::
<xi:include href="" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
xpointer="acronyms" />
The 'href=""' makes xsltproc complain: "element include: XInclude error
: detected a recursion in ../glossary.xml". It drops the offending
This works::
<xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
xpointer="acronyms" />
(2) The 'acronyms' id refers to a <glossdiv> element, which itself
contains includes. While xsltproc does resolve those includes in the
original glossdiv occurence, it doesn't resolve them when they've been
included. Here's a simplified snippet to illustrate::
<glossary id="manual">
<xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
xpointer="acronyms" />
<glossdiv id="acronyms">
Some text .. <xi:include href="terms.xml"
xpointer="element(operator)" />
When I process this, 'operator' is only resolved once. When processing
the glossary with id 'manual', xsltproc reports: "No template matches
xi:include in para.", and generates this HTML::
<xi:include></xi:include>Is this an issue with xsltproc, or with the DocBook stylesheets?
jean . .. .... //\\\oo///\\