Sorry Jen, just looked at your document again. In this case you should
use bridgehead because simplesect "must be terminal".
(A description which always worried me...)
Simon Dew
Technical Author | Stanley Security Solutions
1 Park Gate Close, Bredbury, Stockport SK6 2SZ, U.K. | +44 (0) 161 406 3405 Office: Stanley House, Bramble Road, Swindon
Registered in England and Wales No. 181585 VAT No. 232 2446 95
On 28/11/2013 10:42, Dew, Simon wrote:
> Hi Jen
> Try bridgehead or simplesect.
> Simon Dew
> Technical Author | Stanley Security Solutions
> 1 Park Gate Close, Bredbury, Stockport SK6 2SZ, U.K.
> | +44 (0) 161 406 3400
> Registered Office: Stanley House, Bramble Road, Swindon
> Registered in England and Wales No. 181585 VAT No. 232 2446 95
> On 28/11/2013 10:32, Jen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to convert an existing document to DocBook and I'm struggling
>> with a structure that is not (I think!) supported in DocBook (H3 between
>> H1 and H2).
>> Right now, the layout of this section is (in HTML) something like:
Application Basics
-> chapter name
Description of application.
Setting Up a Project
Short description of project setup, plus links to relevant topics.
Setting Up A Task
Short description of task setup, plus links to relevant topics.
How to Set Up a Project
-> first "true" section
Procedure for setting up a project.
>> Now, I don't think this can work in DocBook, since you can't have
>> sect1>sect3>sect2... but I'd like to maintain the smaller headings in
>> the chapter introduction. Is there a tag that I can use for this? Worst
>> case scenario, I'll just have an <emphasis role="bold">, but I'd prefer
>> to use a dedicated tag so I could also change the font size and so on.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Jen
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