
  • 1.  linebreak causing page citation to become question mark

    Posted 05-25-2007 18:52

    I'm using:
    * Saxon 6.5.5
    * Xerces 2.8.0
    * Apache FOP 0.20.5

    I've turned on page number citation in the PDF so that my xrefs result
    in the page number appearing in parentheses, like this:
    For more information, see Request Authentication (p. 25).

    I've noticed that in situations where the xref breaks across lines, the
    page number turns into a question mark. For example (I inserted a
    backslash to show where the line breaks):

    For more information, see Request Authentication\
    (p. ?).

    For more information, see Request Authentication (p.\

    If the section title itself breaks over the line, the page number
    correctly shows up. For example:
    For more information, see Re-\
    quest Authentication (p. 25).

    For more information, see Request\
    Authentication (p. 25).

    Anyone know if this is something I can fix?

    Thanks a bunch! And happy long weekend for those of you in the U.S.

    Cheri Dennison / Technical Writer
    AWS Platform Group

  • 2.  RE: [docbook-apps] linebreak causing page citation to become question mark

    Posted 06-04-2007 18:41
    Hi all,

    Before I assume there's no fix to this, I thought I'd ping the group one
    more time to make sure this question actually made it to the list.

    thanks if you have any thoughts!

  • 3.  RE: [docbook-apps] linebreak causing page citation to become question mark

    Posted 06-04-2007 18:56
    I guess that has to be a fop bug, but I would think others would have
    noticed it. Perhaps you could avoid the situation by replacing the
    spaces with nbsps:

    <l:template name="page.citation" text=" (p. %p)"/>

    No line break, no problem? :-)



  • 4.  Re: [docbook-apps] linebreak causing page citation to become question mark

    Posted 06-04-2007 20:41
    I haven't seen this behavior before with xrefs, Cheri. Have you looked
    at the fo output produced by Saxon to see if the page references look
    ok? Do you see any difference in the fo output between the page
    references that look ok and that ones that do not?

    If the FO output is ok, then maybe the problem is with FOP 0.20.5. You
    could try the 0.93 version or download the trial version of XEP and
    try that.


    On 6/4/07, Dennison, Cheri <> wrote:
    > Hi all,
    > Before I assume there's no fix to this, I thought I'd ping the group one
    > more time to make sure this question actually made it to the list.
    > thanks if you have any thoughts!
    > cheri

  • 5.  RE: [docbook-apps] linebreak causing page citation to become question mark

    Posted 06-04-2007 22:56
    The FO that Saxon produces looks the same between good and bad examples,
    and I can't determine a consistent algorithm explaining when FOP 0.20.5
    produces bad vs. good. FOP also seems to have some other weird little
    bugs randomly affecting the text that comes immediately after the page
    citation. And since I'm currently stuck with 0.20.5, I guess I won't be
    using the page citation feature for now.

    Thanks to everyone who responded with suggestions!