Hello Everyone,
I've found strange bahaviour if my XML file is processed. It contain olinks, so in the first step I create target database. Regardless the used stylesheet (html/chunk.xsl or html/docbook.xsl), I am getting in one special case an error mesage: Error: unresolved olink: targetdoc/targetptr = '/myID' . Rest of olinks work fine. This ID is present and after standard transformation (not only collecting xref targets) everything works fine. I've found test case when this message appears - it can be determined by the following xpath: //varlistentry[@id]/term[olink]. If id attribute of varlistentry element is removed, message disappears. The most interesting thing is, that this problem is detected only for the first time when target database is refreshed by the another source XML file (in my case each transformation replace the same database file). In the second run with the same file everything is Ok...
It is probably cosmetic issue only, but I am reporting it as there could be broken something with deeper impact on something else.
PS: Detected with XSL version 1.73.2, but in 1.74.3 still present.