Well that explains it. I was under the impression that jing and trang were stuck in amber back in 2009. I just checked and the version I had was from 2009.
I just tried the 2018 version, and it works fine with .sch files.
Thanks for setting me straight.
XML Press
XML for Technical Communicators
http://xmlpress.nethamilton@xmlpress.net> On Jul 29, 2020, at 23:59, Norman Tovey-Walsh <
ndw@nwalsh.com> wrote:
> Richard Hamilton <
hamilton@xmlpress.net> writes:
>> Running it using docbook.sch, I get a namespace error on db:, which is
>> strange, since db is properly declared in the Schematron file. I even
>> modified a test file so that it also used the prefix db: defined the
>> same way, but no luck.
> If I grab the latest 5.2 repo and build it, jing (20181222) validates
> src/test/docbook/pass/article.001.xml with build/docbook.sch without any
> errors.
> And if I take out the version attribute, I get:
> $ jing build/docbook.sch src/test/docbook/fail/article.001.xml
> /Users/ndw/Projects/docbook/docbook/src/test/docbook/fail/article.001.xml:1: error: assertion failed:
> If this element is the root element, it must have a version attribute.
> Be seeing you,
> norm
> --
> Norman Tovey-Walsh <
>> The greatest of all secrets is knowing how to reduce the force of
>> envy.--Cardinal De Retz