
Differences in olink sitemap: entities vs. xinclude

  • 1.  Differences in olink sitemap: entities vs. xinclude

    Posted 10-05-2010 08:12

    While playing with the olink logic (as mentioned here: I tried 2 different ways to create the sitemap (olink database document).

    First I've created the sitemap based on entities (as described here: Second - based on xinclude (as described here:

    When I try to get the final html document using entity-based sitemap (target.database.document) all olink-based hrefs are created correctly without any problems. The problem arise when I try to get the final html document using xinclude-based sitemap - message "Error: unresolved olink: targetdoc/targetptr" appears. Documents, paths, targetdb files are the same in these two ways. The only difference is in sitemap file. I tried to change the xinclude-based sitemap:
    1. Moving namespace declaration from <xi:include href ...> to the root element (<targetset>) (like in the samples below)
    2. Trying to setup all files on linux-based system with different xsltproc version.
    3. Trying to use absolute/relative path in <xi:include href="..." (testing the influencing of the <xi:include href="..." URI format).

    All with no success. For generation I use xsltproc (WinXP) with --xinclude, --xincludestyle options turning on. On linux based machine: xsltproc (Debian Lenny 5.0) with --xinclude, --xincludestyle options turning on. I use <xsl:param name="current.docid" select="/*/@id"></xsl:param> while creating final documents as described in tip in the end of this section: .

    I would be appreciated if you tell me where I'm wrong or where I made a mistake. Below are samples of files I use.

    Thank you!

    1. Entity based sitemap =======

    SYSTEM "http://<path-to-server>/docbook-xsl-1.75.2/common/targetdatabase.dtd" [

    <targetsetinfo>Master target db for the trunk documents</targetsetinfo>


    <document targetdoc="project1_usr_adminguide">
    <document targetdoc="project1_usr_userguide">

    <document targetdoc="project2_usr_adminguide">
    <document targetdoc="project2_usr_userguide">


    2. Xinclude based sitemap (Win machine) =======

    <targetset xmlns:xi="">
    <targetsetinfo>Master target db for the trunk documents using XIncludes</targetsetinfo>


    <document targetdoc="project1_usr_adminguide">

    <xi:include href="file:///d:/doc/docbook-xsl/html-xsl/olink.mechanism/project1/trunk/"/>
    <document targetdoc="project1_usr_userguide">
    <xi:include href="file:///d:/doc/docbook-xsl/html-xsl/olink.mechanism/project1/trunk/"/>

    <document targetdoc="project2_usr_adminguide">
    <xi:include href="file:///d:/doc/docbook-xsl/html-xsl/olink.mechanism/project2/trunk/"/>
    <document targetdoc="project2_usr_userguide">
    <xi:include href="file:///d:/doc/docbook-xsl/html-xsl/olink.mechanism/project2/trunk/"/>


    3. Xinclude based sitemap (Linux machine) =======

    <targetset xmlns:xi="">
    <targetsetinfo>Master target db for the trunk documents using XIncludes</targetsetinfo>


    <document targetdoc="project1_usr_adminguide">
    <xi:include href="file:///home/eduardtibet/experiments/olink.mechanism/project1/trunk/"/>
    <document targetdoc="project1_usr_userguide">
    <xi:include href="file:///home/eduardtibet/experiments/olink.mechanism/project1/trunk/"/>

    <document targetdoc="project2_usr_adminguide">
    <xi:include href="file:///home/eduardtibet/experiments/olink.mechanism/project2/trunk/"/>
    <document targetdoc="project2_usr_userguide">
    <xi:include href="file:///home/eduardtibet/experiments/olink.mechanism/project2/trunk/"/>


    Best regards,
    Eduard Tibet