
callout-lists and HTML/PDF creation with xsltproc/libxslt

  • 1.  callout-lists and HTML/PDF creation with xsltproc/libxslt

    Posted 02-27-2007 01:55

    When I try to process a <screenco> or <programlistingco> element with
    xsltproc to output HTML, it works, except that the numbers in the
    <screen> or <programlisting> area are missing [1]. If I now try to
    create FO output using the docbook-xsl stylesheets and xsltproc, it
    fails. Are the FO-stylesheets only behind the HTML stylesheets or are
    there problems with callouts for FO-output, that cannot be solved
    without a special extension?

    My problem is, that I would like to comment some screen-output, but the
    linenumbering attribute needs an extension, libxslt does not provide,
    and the PDF output seems to fail for callouts and shows the explained
    problem for HTML. But I cannot use Saxon or Xalan, because Xerces seems
    to miss support for xpointer(), which I need for some includes (system
    is a Debian Sid).

    [1] If I process the docbook-defguide with xsltproc, it produces the
    correct output for the screenco-example - if I process the
    screenco/example1.xml alone, it shows the same problem - the numbers are
    missing in the <screen>-area.

    Regards, Daniel