
  • 1.  HTML5 invalid attributes

    Posted 01-29-2013 12:39
    I've tested the latest snapshot of 1.78.0 without any customization and
    am getting these "invalid HTML5" errors using oXygen 14.1:

    In the element I'm still getting: border="0", summary and width
    I'm getting width, align and valign attributes. For I get
    "valign". For
    I get "align".
    Is anyone else experiencing these results for EPUB3/HTML5?

    Dave Gardiner

  • 2.  Re: [docbook-apps] HTML5 invalid attributes

    Posted 01-29-2013 17:44
    Hi Dave,
    I'm not able to duplicate this problem with DocBook tables in
    epub3/chunk.xsl in 1.78.0. However, several templates for DocBook elements
    use HTML tables for page layout. Can you identify which input elements are
    producing the invalid HTML5 table output?

    Likewise with mediaobject. When I process a mediaobject that contains an
    imagedata element with align="center", the output I see is:

    I'm using Saxon 6, but I'm not using Oxygen.

    Bob Stayton
    Sagehill Enterprises

    From: "Xmplar" <>
    Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 4:38 AM
    To: "DocBook Apps" <>
    Subject: [docbook-apps] HTML5 invalid attributes

    > I've tested the latest snapshot of 1.78.0 without any customization and am
    > getting these "invalid HTML5" errors using oXygen 14.1:
    > In the element I'm still getting: border="0", summary and width
    > attributes.
    > For
    I'm getting width, align and valign attributes. For I get
    > "valign". For
    I get "align".
    > Is anyone else experiencing these results for EPUB3/HTML5?
    > Dave Gardiner
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