Hi Peter,
I don't know of an existing implementation, but I would be willing to
assist with your efforts.
Before you start, though, you might not need to use the filterin
filterout elements if you just need simple conditional exclusion. Note
that assembly elements like module accept the regular DocBook
effectivity attributes. You can preprocess your assembly file
containing those attributes using the stock profiling/profile.xsl
stylesheet and command line parameters to produce a profiled assembly.as
described here under the "Two-pass processing" heading.
http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/AlternateText.html#ProfileFilterBob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises
bobs@sagehill.netOn 3/22/2019 1:04 PM, Peter Desjardins wrote:
> Hi! I need to do some conditional processing of a book that I'm
> assembling from an assembly structure. A specific audience needs a
> version of the book with some modules removed.
> I see in
https://tdg.docbook.org/tdg/5.1/ch06.html that the filterout
> element is intended to do what I need. But it looks like support for
> filterout hasn't been implemented yet:
> I am about to fork the repository and try hacking together some form
> of support. Before I do, has anyone else done this? If possible, I'd
> like to help work on something that could be contributed to the
> project.
> Thanks!
> Peter
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