Wow, somehow between the time I read your message and wrote my reply, my
brain completely reinterpreted what you were asking into a different
Ignore me and listen to Bob. Sorry for the noise.
On 08/30/2013 10:40 AM, David Cramer wrote:
> IIRC, <simplelist> is formatted without dots by default.
> Also look at the mark attribute on itemizedlist. Try setting that to
> "none".
> For customizing lists, see Bob Stayton's excellent book on customizing
> the DocBook xsls:
> Regards,
> David
> On 08/30/2013 08:22 AM, Dave Milter wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have fragment of docbook like this:
>> <orderedlist inheritnum="ignore" continuation="restarts">
>> <listitem><para>FOO</para></listitem>
>> <listitem><para>BOO</para></listitem>
>> </orderedlist>
>> I convert this list to xsl-fo, and see (I removed tags):
>> 1. FOO
>> 2. BOO
>> But I want
>> 1 FOO
>> 2 BOO
>> without dots after numbers.
>> Can not find any preference that can change this behaviour.
>> Also I try hack fo/list.xsl,
>> but I can not find where in
>> <xsl:template match="d:orderedlist/d:listitem">
>> dot appear (I am newbie in XSL).
>> Any suggestions how to remove dots?