
Limitations in table border formatting with xsltproc+fop

  • 1.  Limitations in table border formatting with xsltproc+fop

    Posted 01-15-2012 12:25

    (I'm using xsl-stylesheet v1.76.2 together with xsltproc and fop

    For printed output I want to get rid of some of the excess
    borders in the default output so I first removed the cell borders with

    <xsl:param name="" select="'none'" />

    and this
    works as expected.

    I then tried to frame the table only on the top and
    bottom with

    <xsl:param name="default.table.frame" select="'topbot'"

    but this has no effect. (I also tried the parameter
    '' )

    Other settings, such as "'none'" doesn't
    do anything either. Neither does adjusting thickness or color of the
    border either. This makes me believe there are some (known?) limitations
    in the tool chain.

    Can anyone comment on the errors of my way in
    styling printed output tables?

    (My end goal is to only have horizontal
    borders on top and bottom and below the table header row)

    I should also
    add that the using the attributes directly from Bob S. book as below (to
    have closed frames table at page breaks) does not work

    <xsl:attribute-set name="">

