I just created a page called DocBookCustomizations at wiki.docbook.org (about halfway down the page) and added my two-column customization. Right now the links are back to my blog, but once I figure out how/whether I can upload the file, I'll try to get it directly on the site.
For those who haven't been following this thread, this is an fo customization takes a DocBook article and generates the format IEEE uses for two-column conference papers. It is freely available under GPL.
XML Press
XML for Technical Communicators
http://xmlpress.nethamilton@xmlpress.netOn May 10, 2011, at 9:10 AM, David Priest wrote:
> Aha! They call them "manuscripts" not reports or papers or publications. Suddenly searching is much easier.
> IEEE Publications and Standards:
> Somewhere in there I'm bound to find the spec.
> Re: not a commercial target — they claim 1300 standards, 140 journals, 850 conferences, and a bajillion members. If they're not using Docbook, perhaps there's an opportunity for someone to get them off the MS Word habit.
> Dave Pawson wrote:
>> On Mon, 09 May 2011 11:06:44 -0700
>> David Priest<
docs@davidpriest.ca> wrote:
>>> Sorry. I mean that IEEE has a particular visual appearance. It
>>> doesn't look unusual, and I believe the stock XSL:FO are up to the
>>> task.
>>> I'm just very surprised to not see someone publishing a drop-in
>>> settings file that cranks out IEEE layout. Figured I should check if
>>> there's a reason. Hate to go barking down the wrong path.
>> 1. IEEE are not a big commercial target for any such work IMHO
>> 2. Asking for special visual presentation is, IMHO, a bit nit picking.
>> If it has been done, it would most likely be a customization?
>> Simpler question, is their layout specified anywhere?
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