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Docbook IEEE transformation?

  • 1.  Docbook IEEE transformation?

    Posted 05-09-2011 17:27
    A bit of googling turns up a dearth of information about rendering
    IEEE-compliant technical publications. This quite surprises me.

    Are the XSL:FO standard transformations easily IEEE-compliant? Looking
    at one of their PDFs there does not seem to be anything particularly
    special or tricksy with their layout.

    If there aren't any huge gotchas, perhaps I'll set up a configuration
    that complies.

    Thanks for any advice, tips, tricks, and warnings

  • 2.  Re: [docbook-apps] Docbook IEEE transformation?

    Posted 05-09-2011 17:54
    On Mon, 09 May 2011 10:27:07 -0700
    David Priest <> wrote:

    > A bit of googling turns up a dearth of information about rendering
    > IEEE-compliant technical publications. This quite surprises me.
    > Are the XSL:FO standard transformations easily IEEE-compliant?

    For what definition of IEEE compliant David? That sounds really odd
    to me, that a transform should be compliant to ... something?

    > Looking at one of their PDFs there does not seem to be anything
    > particularly special or tricksy with their layout.

    Or do you mean the PDF needs to be 'special' in some way?



    Dave Pawson

  • 3.  Re: [docbook-apps] Docbook IEEE transformation?

    Posted 05-09-2011 18:07
    Sorry. I mean that IEEE has a particular visual appearance. It doesn't
    look unusual, and I believe the stock XSL:FO are up to the task.

    I'm just very surprised to not see someone publishing a drop-in settings
    file that cranks out IEEE layout. Figured I should check if there's a
    reason. Hate to go barking down the wrong path.

    Dave Pawson wrote:
    > On Mon, 09 May 2011 10:27:07 -0700
    > David Priest<> wrote:
    >> A bit of googling turns up a dearth of information about rendering
    >> IEEE-compliant technical publications. This quite surprises me.
    >> Are the XSL:FO standard transformations easily IEEE-compliant?
    > For what definition of IEEE compliant David? That sounds really odd
    > to me, that a transform should be compliant to ... something?
    >> Looking at one of their PDFs there does not seem to be anything
    >> particularly special or tricksy with their layout.
    > Or do you mean the PDF needs to be 'special' in some way?

  • 4.  Re: [docbook-apps] Docbook IEEE transformation?

    Posted 05-09-2011 18:35
    Hi David,
    I don't know what is your notion of "easily IEEE-compliant", but while
    XSL-FO is certainly capable of producing such layouts I do expect you
    will need a substantial customization effort of the DB stock XSL-FO

    The customization will definitely not be a one evening pastime.


    On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 8:06 PM, David Priest <> wrote:
    > Sorry.  I mean that IEEE has a particular visual appearance.  It doesn't
    > look unusual, and I believe the stock XSL:FO are up to the task.
    > I'm just very surprised to not see someone publishing a drop-in settings
    > file that cranks out IEEE layout.  Figured I should check if there's a
    > reason.  Hate to go barking down the wrong path.
    > Dave Pawson wrote:
    >> On Mon, 09 May 2011 10:27:07 -0700
    >> David Priest<>  wrote:
    >>> A bit of googling turns up a dearth of information about rendering
    >>> IEEE-compliant technical publications.  This quite surprises me.
    >>> Are the XSL:FO standard transformations easily IEEE-compliant?
    >> For what definition of IEEE compliant David? That sounds really odd
    >> to me, that a transform should be compliant to ... something?
    >>> Looking at one of their PDFs there does not seem to be anything
    >>> particularly special or tricksy with their layout.
    >> Or do you mean the PDF needs to be 'special' in some way?
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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  • 5.  Re: [docbook-apps] Docbook IEEE transformation?

    Posted 05-10-2011 05:58
    On Mon, 09 May 2011 11:06:44 -0700
    David Priest <> wrote:

    > Sorry. I mean that IEEE has a particular visual appearance. It
    > doesn't look unusual, and I believe the stock XSL:FO are up to the
    > task.
    > I'm just very surprised to not see someone publishing a drop-in
    > settings file that cranks out IEEE layout. Figured I should check if
    > there's a reason. Hate to go barking down the wrong path.

    1. IEEE are not a big commercial target for any such work IMHO
    2. Asking for special visual presentation is, IMHO, a bit nit picking.

    If it has been done, it would most likely be a customization?
    Simpler question, is their layout specified anywhere?



    Dave Pawson

  • 6.  Re: [docbook-apps] Docbook IEEE transformation?

    Posted 05-10-2011 16:05
    I've done some more searching, and it looks like LaTex is IEEE's
    preferred open platform. Otherwise one is stuck with the usual MS Word

    I've been able to track down specs for the two-column layout.
    Single-column line-numbered (which I think is probably the review
    version) is MIA so far.

    If I end up creating a customization, what's the best way to get it into
    the Docbook XSL package?

    Dave Pawson wrote:
    > 1. IEEE are not a big commercial target for any such work IMHO
    > 2. Asking for special visual presentation is, IMHO, a bit nit picking.
    > If it has been done, it would most likely be a customization?
    > Simpler question, is their layout specified anywhere?

  • 7.  Re: [docbook-apps] Docbook IEEE transformation?

    Posted 05-10-2011 16:30

    Regarding getting a customization into the DocBook XSL, I don't think this kind of customization is one that should go into the mainline XSL stylesheets.

    Rather, I think the best way would be to put it in the docbook wiki at

    There isn't a page for customizations now, but if I get a few minutes, I'll add one later today and put my two-column ieee customization there. It's not hard to register and get set up to put content there yourself.

    Best Regards,
    XML Press
    XML for Technical Communicators

    On May 10, 2011, at 9:05 AM, David Priest wrote:

    > I've done some more searching, and it looks like LaTex is IEEE's preferred open platform. Otherwise one is stuck with the usual MS Word templates.
    > I've been able to track down specs for the two-column layout. Single-column line-numbered (which I think is probably the review version) is MIA so far.
    > If I end up creating a customization, what's the best way to get it into the Docbook XSL package?
    > Dave Pawson wrote:
    >> 1. IEEE are not a big commercial target for any such work IMHO
    >> 2. Asking for special visual presentation is, IMHO, a bit nit picking.
    >> If it has been done, it would most likely be a customization?
    >> Simpler question, is their layout specified anywhere?
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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  • 8.  Re: [docbook-apps] Docbook IEEE transformation?

    Posted 05-10-2011 16:11
    Aha! They call them "manuscripts" not reports or papers or publications.
    Suddenly searching is much easier.

    IEEE Publications and Standards:

    Somewhere in there I'm bound to find the spec.

    Re: not a commercial target — they claim 1300 standards, 140 journals,
    850 conferences, and a bajillion members. If they're not using Docbook,
    perhaps there's an opportunity for someone to get them off the MS Word

    Dave Pawson wrote:
    > On Mon, 09 May 2011 11:06:44 -0700
    > David Priest<> wrote:
    >> Sorry. I mean that IEEE has a particular visual appearance. It
    >> doesn't look unusual, and I believe the stock XSL:FO are up to the
    >> task.
    >> I'm just very surprised to not see someone publishing a drop-in
    >> settings file that cranks out IEEE layout. Figured I should check if
    >> there's a reason. Hate to go barking down the wrong path.
    > 1. IEEE are not a big commercial target for any such work IMHO
    > 2. Asking for special visual presentation is, IMHO, a bit nit picking.
    > If it has been done, it would most likely be a customization?
    > Simpler question, is their layout specified anywhere?

  • 9.  Re: [docbook-apps] Docbook IEEE transformation?

    Posted 05-10-2011 16:54
    On Tue, 10 May 2011 09:10:38 -0700
    David Priest <> wrote:

    > Aha! They call them "manuscripts" not reports or papers or
    > publications. Suddenly searching is much easier.
    > IEEE Publications and Standards:
    > Somewhere in there I'm bound to find the spec.
    > Re: not a commercial target — they claim 1300 standards, 140
    > journals, 850 conferences, and a bajillion members. If they're not
    > using Docbook, perhaps there's an opportunity for someone to get them
    > off the MS Word habit.

    And from this thread they have a number of 'required' formats
    to go with their material?

    If the format you're wanting is for a standard ( I was using
    WordPerfect 5.1 last time I wrote for them!) that still doesn't
    make it a commercial target IMHO. PDF yes, but going more
    specific than that... I don't think so.
    Were they ever to catch up.... Then a schema derived from
    docbook/DITA etc might make sense, but I just can't see
    that happening, can you?



    Dave Pawson

  • 10.  Re: [docbook-apps] Docbook IEEE transformation?

    Posted 05-10-2011 17:51

    I just created a page called DocBookCustomizations at (about halfway down the page) and added my two-column customization. Right now the links are back to my blog, but once I figure out how/whether I can upload the file, I'll try to get it directly on the site.

    For those who haven't been following this thread, this is an fo customization takes a DocBook article and generates the format IEEE uses for two-column conference papers. It is freely available under GPL.

    XML Press
    XML for Technical Communicators

    On May 10, 2011, at 9:10 AM, David Priest wrote:

    > Aha! They call them "manuscripts" not reports or papers or publications. Suddenly searching is much easier.
    > IEEE Publications and Standards:
    > Somewhere in there I'm bound to find the spec.
    > Re: not a commercial target — they claim 1300 standards, 140 journals, 850 conferences, and a bajillion members. If they're not using Docbook, perhaps there's an opportunity for someone to get them off the MS Word habit.
    > Dave Pawson wrote:
    >> On Mon, 09 May 2011 11:06:44 -0700
    >> David Priest<> wrote:
    >>> Sorry. I mean that IEEE has a particular visual appearance. It
    >>> doesn't look unusual, and I believe the stock XSL:FO are up to the
    >>> task.
    >>> I'm just very surprised to not see someone publishing a drop-in
    >>> settings file that cranks out IEEE layout. Figured I should check if
    >>> there's a reason. Hate to go barking down the wrong path.
    >> 1. IEEE are not a big commercial target for any such work IMHO
    >> 2. Asking for special visual presentation is, IMHO, a bit nit picking.
    >> If it has been done, it would most likely be a customization?
    >> Simpler question, is their layout specified anywhere?
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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  • 11.  Re: [docbook-apps] Docbook IEEE transformation?

    Posted 05-10-2011 18:00
    On 2011-05-10 13:51, Richard Hamilton wrote:
    > David,
    > I just created a page called DocBookCustomizations at (about halfway down the page) and added my two-column customization. Right now the links are back to my blog, but once I figure out how/whether I can upload the file, I'll try to get it directly on the site.
    > For those who haven't been following this thread, this is an fo customization takes a DocBook article and generates the format IEEE uses for two-column conference papers. It is freely available under GPL.


    that's a great initiative !
    I think it's great to have a repository of self-contained
    customizations, useful both for users looking for complete solutions for
    particular popular target media, as well as for users looking for small
    recipes for common customizations not yet covered elsewhere.
    I hope that other DB authors / editors will follow your lead and publish



    ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

  • 12.  Re: [docbook-apps] Docbook IEEE transformation?

    Posted 05-09-2011 19:10

    If you mean the IEEE style for their conference proceedings (two column article style),
    I did a stylesheet a while back that comes very close (I think the only significant problem is that it doesn't handle multiple authors correctly).

    I'm looking at it now, and will post it to my blog ( shortly (it's 4 years old, so I don't want to release it until I've at least tried it out with the latest stylesheets:). I'll send a note to the list when it's ready.

    Best Regards,
    Dick Hamilton
    XML Press
    XML for Technical Communicators

    On May 9, 2011, at 10:27 AM, David Priest wrote:

    > A bit of googling turns up a dearth of information about rendering
    > IEEE-compliant technical publications. This quite surprises me.
    > Are the XSL:FO standard transformations easily IEEE-compliant? Looking
    > at one of their PDFs there does not seem to be anything particularly
    > special or tricksy with their layout.
    > If there aren't any huge gotchas, perhaps I'll set up a configuration
    > that complies.
    > Thanks for any advice, tips, tricks, and warnings
    > david
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  • 13.  Re: [docbook-apps] Docbook IEEE transformation?

    Posted 05-09-2011 19:50
    I believe it'd look something like this:

    It's a one-column style.

    Richard Hamilton wrote:
    > David,
    > If you mean the IEEE style for their conference proceedings (two column article style),
    > I did a stylesheet a while back that comes very close (I think the only significant problem is that it doesn't handle multiple authors correctly).
    > I'm looking at it now, and will post it to my blog ( shortly (it's 4 years old, so I don't want to release it until I've at least tried it out with the latest stylesheets:). I'll send a note to the list when it's ready.
    > Best Regards,
    > Dick Hamilton

  • 14.  Re: [docbook-apps] Docbook IEEE transformation?

    Posted 05-09-2011 20:20

    It looks like the sample you have is for standards, rather than conference papers. My transform does conference papers, not standards. I'll post it anyway, but I don't think it will help you much in this case.

    That said, I'm with you in being a bit surprised that there isn't a transform for standards. There certainly is one for OASIS standards.

    XML Press
    XML for Technical Communicators

    On May 9, 2011, at 12:50 PM, David Priest wrote:

    > I believe it'd look something like this:
    > It's a one-column style.
    > Richard Hamilton wrote:
    >> David,
    >> If you mean the IEEE style for their conference proceedings (two column article style),
    >> I did a stylesheet a while back that comes very close (I think the only significant problem is that it doesn't handle multiple authors correctly).
    >> I'm looking at it now, and will post it to my blog ( shortly (it's 4 years old, so I don't want to release it until I've at least tried it out with the latest stylesheets:). I'll send a note to the list when it's ready.
    >> Best Regards,
    >> Dick Hamilton

  • 15.  Re: [docbook-apps] Docbook IEEE transformation?

    Posted 05-09-2011 21:09

    I just posted my IEEE conference paper stylesheet at I'm not sure if it will be useful for what you need, but feel free to use it as you wish.

    XML Press
    XML for Technical Communicators

    On May 9, 2011, at 12:50 PM, David Priest wrote:

    > I believe it'd look something like this:
    > It's a one-column style.
    > Richard Hamilton wrote:
    >> David,
    >> If you mean the IEEE style for their conference proceedings (two column article style),
    >> I did a stylesheet a while back that comes very close (I think the only significant problem is that it doesn't handle multiple authors correctly).
    >> I'm looking at it now, and will post it to my blog ( shortly (it's 4 years old, so I don't want to release it until I've at least tried it out with the latest stylesheets:). I'll send a note to the list when it's ready.
    >> Best Regards,
    >> Dick Hamilton

  • 16.  Re: [docbook-apps] Docbook IEEE transformation?

    Posted 05-10-2011 02:04

    Richard Hamilton wrote:
    > David,
    > I just posted my IEEE conference paper stylesheet at I'm not sure if it will be useful for what you need, but feel free to use it as you wish.
    > Dick
    > -------
    > XML Press
    > XML for Technical Communicators
    > On May 9, 2011, at 12:50 PM, David Priest wrote:
    >> I believe it'd look something like this:
    >> It's a one-column style.
    >> Richard Hamilton wrote:
    >>> David,
    >>> If you mean the IEEE style for their conference proceedings (two column article style),
    >>> I did a stylesheet a while back that comes very close (I think the only significant problem is that it doesn't handle multiple authors correctly).
    >>> I'm looking at it now, and will post it to my blog ( shortly (it's 4 years old, so I don't want to release it until I've at least tried it out with the latest stylesheets:). I'll send a note to the list when it's ready.
    >>> Best Regards,
    >>> Dick Hamilton
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