Hash: RIPEMD160
On 07/02/2010 06:55 AM, Tapanainen Mika wrote:
> There is no network traffic, all files are in my laptop.
> My target pdf has 324 pages.
> So is there something wrong with the Saxon or DocBook settings etc.
> because the compilated stylesheets are so slow?
I just checked my own set-up. My target documents are about the same
size as yours and the complete build process takes about 28 seconds.
However, only 6 seconds of that time are spent on the step of
transforming the DocBook to FO, which is where the compiled stylesyheets
could make a difference.
The rest is spent in turning the FO into a PDF.
There are of course many possible causes for the difference in our numbers.
It would be useful to know a little more about your laptop (CPU and
memory), the version of Saxon you use, the version of the stylesheet,
the setup you use to compile the stylesheets, how you transform them,
how large are the source XML files and what's the memory consumption of
the Java VM while it transforms your file.
Also, if I read your initial mail right, the numbers apply to the
standard stylesheet without customization, right?
With these numbers, it might be possible to reproduce the behavior and
investigate further.
Juri Memmert
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"It might help if we ran the MBA's out of Washington."
-- Admiral Grace Hopper
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