Hi Gregorio,
Border properties for each side can be specified with three individual properties, or with a shortcut property that combines them. For example, these three properties:
<xsl:attribute name="border-right-width">0.5pt</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="border-right-style">solid</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="border-right-color">white</xsl:attribute>
are equivalent to this shortcut:
<xsl:attribute name="border-right">0.5pt solid white</xsl:attribute>
with the three values specified in this order, as defined by the standard. Your example only specified two property values, so it did not work.
Another shortcut applies the properties to all sides if that is what you want:
<xsl:attribute name="border">0.5pt solid white</xsl:attribute>
The DocBook template named 'border' is in fo/table.xsl and is just a convenience for generating the three separate properties from the stylesheet parameters that set the default border properties. If you want non-default border properties, then you cannot use the template named "border". Also, in general a template will not accept being passed a param for which it does not have a param declaration. The "border" template only has a param declared for "side", so trying to pass the color would not work as there is nothing to receive it in the template.
In table processing, each cell generally takes care of its own right-side and bottom-side borders only. The top border is instead handled by the cell above or the table frame if it is the first cell in a column. Likewise, the left border is handled by the cell to the left or the table frame if it is the first cell in a row. That avoids conflicts between neighboring cells, and follows the way CALS tables specify borders as rowsep (bottom) and colsep (right).
The DocBook XSL template named 'table.cell.properties' is called for each cell in the table, with the context node being the "entry" element of a CALS table or a "td" element of an HTML-markup table. That template should be copied from fo/table.xsl to your customization layer and modified there. If you aren't familiar with "customization layer", see:
http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/CustomMethods.html#CustomizationLayerThere is also an example of customizing this template:
http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/PrintTableStyles.html#table.cell.propertiesIn your case, you want to set the column separator to white, so something like the following could be added to your customization of the template named 'table.cell.properties'. It first sets a variable to count rows, and then decides the border attribute with an xsl:choose statement to alternate white and black column borders.
<xsl:template name="table.cell.properties">
<xsl:param name="bgcolor.pi" select="''"/>
<xsl:param name="rowsep.inherit" select="1"/>
<xsl:param name="colsep.inherit" select="1"/>
<xsl:param name="col" select="1"/>
<xsl:param name="valign.inherit" select="''"/>
<xsl:param name="align.inherit" select="''"/>
<xsl:param name="char.inherit" select="''"/>
<variable name="rownumber">
<xsl:number count="row" from="tbody"/>
<xsl:when test="$rownumber mod 2">
<xsl:attribute name="border-right">0.5pt solid white</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="border-right">0.5pt solid black</xsl:attribute>
Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises