On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 11:19 PM, Markus Hoenicka
markus.hoenicka@mhoenicka.de> wrote:
> Chris Yocum writes:
> > use RefDB. This is the first constraint: I cannot use RefDB. On my
> > own machine, I am running Ubuntu 8.10 amd64 and RefDB refuses to
> > install from source (it cannot find libreadline during configure and I
> > cannot figure out how to force it to look in /lib to find it).
> Although this is a bit off-topic here, usually this kind of error is
> caused by missing -dev packages. configure cannot find
> libreadline because all you have installed are the runtime libraries
> (foo.so) but not the development libraries (foo.a) which are required
> to build a piece of software instead of just run it. The best place
> to get this fixed in no time is the refdb mailing list
> (http://refdb.sourceforge.net/doc.html).
Ah, thanks! I might try RefDB again once I get the proper dev libs installed.
> > For
> > other scholars, they will invariably use Windows and for the ones that
> > I am directly in contact with, getting new software deployed would be
> > a massive hassle and attempting to guide them through it at home would
> > also be very difficult.
> RefDB is clearly a Unixish application, not an Endnote clone, so it'll
> take some getting used to it for the average Windows user. Windows
> per se is not an obstacle as Cygwin binaries are available. I've been
> using RefDB at work for more than 8 years on various Windows boxes.
> > So, from what I am able to discover, I would
> > have to write (or rewrite) the bibliography XSL so that the
> > bibliography and the bibliorefs in citation tags would be correctly
> > done in XSL:FO for processing with FOP. Is this correct and do you
> > have any pointers on how to do it? I am vaguely familiar with XSL
> > from about eight years ago. The format that I must be able to use is
> > the MHRA standard. Also, I would be willing to release the resulting
> > XSL for others to use.
> If you're not looking for a reference database with formatting
> capabilities, but just for the formatting part, RefDB may indeed be
> the wrong tool. There have been several attempts to create XSL-based
> bibliography styling tools. The following projects may be closer to
> what you have in mind:
http://bibliographic.openoffice.org/citeproc/index.htmlThank you very much for this. I guess what I am trying to do is
reduce the number of dependencies and bits of software that I would
have them learn. Unfortunately for the projects that you cite, they
seem to be rather old and out of date without a larger community
(which is a bit of a requirement because I would assume that my
colleagues would need help when I am not available).
I will give RefDB another shot and see how I get on with it.
Thanks you again,
Chris Yocum