
  • 1.  Serializing DB 5 with XOM: wrong encoding

    Posted 03-20-2011 18:40
    I've been trying to preprocess xincludes in my DocBook 5 build with xom,
    using the incantation in Bob Stayton's "Complete Guide":

    $ java -cp "xom-1.2.1.jar:xom-samples.jar"
    nu.xom.samples.XIncludeDriver source.xml > serialized.xml

    The xincludes resolve just fine, but the serialized doc's encoding comes
    out as ISO-8859-1, so xom complains about UTF-8 characters in the
    source. The output doc ends, incomplete, with a cascase of xom
    Serializer errors.

    According to the XOM api doc, it should be possible to specify the
    encoding as UTF-8, but I haven't found how to do it from the command
    line. Anybody know how (or if there's a better solution)? I'm assuming
    the failure is on account of the encoding problem, since the document
    seems to process normally otherwise.

    I tried adding a DOCTYPE declaration, in case that might make a
    difference -- it didn't:

    <book xmlns=""
    xmlns:xi="" version="5.0">

  • 2.  RE: [docbook-apps] Serializing DB 5 with XOM: wrong encoding

    Posted 03-22-2011 18:03

  • 3.  Re: [docbook-apps] Serializing DB 5 with XOM: wrong encoding

    Posted 03-26-2011 01:30
    Thanks for the tip. I downloaded the full xom source, modified, and ran ant java to generate a new xom-samples.jar.
    I copied it to my docbook toolchain, replacing the original
    xom-samples.jar. XOM serialization generates UTF-8 encoding now. Makes
    for much better DocBook processing from there.

    P.S. The build wasn't quite that simple: it failed at first, complaining
    that it couldn't find jaxen-1.1.3-src. I downloaded that from Thankfully that made the build

    On 03/22/2011 02:02 PM, Mauritz Jeanson wrote:
    > |