What's wrong with the following docbook xml snippet:
<para>Figure <xref linkend="fig.tour-basic.history"/> provides a
graphical representation of the history of the <filename
class="directory">hello</filename> repository, to make it a
little easier to see which direction history is
<quote>flowing</quote> in. We'll be returning to this figure
several times in this chapter and the chapter that
<mediaobject id="fig.tour-basic.history">
<imageobject><imagedata fileref="images/tour-history.png"/></imageobject>
<textobject><phrase>XXX add text</phrase></textobject>
<para>Graphical history of the <filename
class="directory">hello</filename> repository</para>
How to xref 'imageobject' with 'caption' correctly?
Dongsheng Song