>>>>> "JMT" == jmt <
jmt@dxdydz.net> writes:
JMT> Hi, list !
JMT> I use emacs + nxml mode in Debian ; this package still uses the Docbook
JMT> schema from V4.2, so I replaced to the original schema by the schema for
JMT> V5.0RC3.
My nxml-mode installation keeps emacs mode and specifically docbook related files (*.rnc -> "RELAG NG compact syntax") here:
So you are telling us, you took files from /usr/share/xml/docbook/schema/rng/5.0CR3/
and made them available to emacs nxml-mode, are you?
JMT> Works like a charm,
Does that mean "regarding to editing in nxml-mode" or "regarding to creating HTML or PDF"?
Do you really make use of new features in nxml-mode,
i.e. features of 5.0, that were not already available in 4.2?
JMT> except that introducing a xml:id for "person" unvalidates the
JMT> document.
I guess every new feature will unvalidate the document,
as long as the new and right *.rnc files are not properly made available to nxml-mode.
And how that is carried out -- maybe there is somebody else to tell us how to do that,
I mean to give us a recipe of "how to upgrade docbook-xml properly w.r.t. nxml-mode -> /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/nxml-mode/schema/*.rnc".
Actually I would like to see,
that the *.rnc files in /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/nxml-mode/schema/ get removed
and nxml-mode gets set up to make use of the *.rnc files in /usr/share/xml/docbook/schema/rng/5.0CR3/ or whatever new or old version one wants to make use of.
Obviously your paths may vary,
mine are from a mixture of SUSE 10.1 through 10.3alpha...
and I actually assume, they are file system standard compliant, but who knows ...