
  • 1.  Re: DocBook XSL*2* stylesheet reorganization

    Posted 03-07-2008 14:52
    / Norman Walsh <> was heard to say:
    | Fair warning to those of you living on the bleeding edge.

    Ok. So I reconsidered a bit and didn't end up going the named-template
    route after all. But I did change things around. Here's the new idiom
    for XSLT2 customization layers:

    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
    exclude-result-prefixes="xs db f"

    <xsl:import href="/path/to/base/format/docbook.xsl"/>

    <xsl:template match="/">

    <xsl:variable name="normalized" as="document-node()"

    <xsl:variable name="root" as="element()"

    <xsl:apply-templates select="$root"/>


    Checking in now.

    Be seeing you,

    Norman Walsh <> | What is familiar is what we are | used to; and what we are used to
    Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | is most difficult to 'Know'--that
    | is, to see as a problem; that is,
    | to see as strange, as distant, as
    | 'outside us'.-- Nietzsche

  • 2.  Re: [docbook-apps] Re: DocBook XSL*2* stylesheet reorganization

    Posted 03-07-2008 18:26
    Norman Walsh wrote:

    > / Norman Walsh <> was heard to say:
    > | Fair warning to those of you living on the bleeding edge.

    > Here's the new idiom for XSLT2 customization layers:

    If you put this template rule in common/docbook.xsl, the
    customization layer can either override template rules for precise
    elements or override this template rule (matching "/") if he wants to
    make something more complicated that needs to take control over the
    overall processing.

    So the default rule for "/" launches the machinery as it should be,
    and if one wants to override the rule for "/" in the cust. layer, he
    will need to call the top-level functions (as in your email).

    Sounds more intuitive, doesn't it?



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