
  • 1.  RNGschema and xpointer

    Posted 01-17-2007 14:53

    once more I'd be grafteful for any help. the problem is the following: I'm using docbook 5.0 with the rng schema and like to use xpointer to include parts of external files which have the following structure:


    in my main file I'd like to include only

  • 2.  Re: [docbook-apps] RNGschema and xpointer

    Posted 01-17-2007 15:04
    Huber Evelyne <>, 2007-01-17 15:52 +0100:


    > <para>Content1</para>
    > <para>Content2</para>

    > in my main file I'd like to include only

  • 3.  Re: [docbook-apps] RNGschema and xpointer

    Posted 01-17-2007 15:10
    Quoting Huber Evelyne <>:
    > in my main file I'd like to include only

  • 4.  Re: [docbook-apps] RNGschema and xpointer

    Posted 01-17-2007 16:54
    Huber Evelyne wrote:

    > in my main file I'd like to include only