
  • 1.  DocBook v5.0 customization layer (RNC) to DTD

    Posted 11-08-2006 21:49
      |   view attached

    I've got a fairly straightforward customization of DocBook v5b9. One of
    the major changes is adding elements from another namespace to the info
    element (extending to allow markup from Dublin Core or ODRL, for example).

    I've got a valid RNC file, and have successfully validated content
    against this model. Now I need to create a DTD version of this schema
    for a particular authoring environment.

    I've tried XML Hack #78 (my usual process), as well as rng2srng and

    All of these methods produce a ton of errors (such as: sorry, combining
    definitions with combine="choice" is not supported
    sorry, cannot handle this kind of "oneOrMore"
    sorry, cannot handle this kind of "group"
    sorry, cannot handle this kind of "mixed"
    sorry, cannot handle this kind of "zeroOrMore")

    I also tried using trang to convert to XSD, and it failed to complete at

    Any ideas or recommended best practices for converting RNC to DTD?

    One of the major reasons for moving one of my clients to DB5, is the
    ease of customization with RNC. If I can't produce a DTD or XSD, I'm
    afraid my client won't have very many choices of authoring tools since
    there is a huge lack of support for RelaxNG...

    Thanks and best regards,



    scott.hudson.vcf   320 B 1 version

  • 2.  Re: [docbook-apps] DocBook v5.0 customization layer (RNC) to DTD

    Posted 11-09-2006 09:10
    Scott Hudson wrote:

    > Any ideas or recommended best practices for converting RNC to DTD?

    DocBook V5 schema is quite complex and most conversion tools choke on
    it. I successfully use build process for DocBook V5 schemas also for my
    own schemas. This way I can get DTD and XSD and moreover I got
    "flattened" RNC and RNG version of schema which is in file and doesn't
    depend on external DocBook V5 schema. You can find build environment in
    SVN in docbook/relaxng/docbook directory.



    Jirka Kosek e-mail:
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