Hi Peter,
Looks interesting. I’ve poked around some and have a high-level, but possibly inaccurate idea of how this might work.
Is the following correct?
- CSL encodes the details of how a particular style works. It provides a machine readable set of instructions that can be used by a processor to generate output that follows a particular citation style.
- To use CLS with DocBook, you could write a stylesheet that would take a biblioentry and format it based on the contents of a particular CSL file. You might do that as a pre-processor and convert biblioentry into bibliomixed, or you could convert directly from biblioentry into fo, html, etc.
- Or, at least for HTML, you could convert a biblioentry into CSL-JSON and convert it to HTML with citeproc-js or pandoc-citeproc. I haven’t tried out citeproc-js or pandoc-citeproc, so I could be way off on this one.
So, am I in the right ballpark?
XML Press
XML for Technical Communicators
http://xmlpress.nethamilton@xmlpress.net> On May 23, 2020, at 05:43, Peter Fleck <
peterfleck@gmail.com> wrote:
> Richard,
> Would it be possible to step back a level and work on it in combination with CSL?
https://citationstyles.org/ That way, it would not just be limited to CMOS. (Although having CMOS would be a major bonus for me.)
> The Github repo for the CSL styles are
https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles> There are a few on that list I would find extremely helpful.
> Peter
> On Sat, 23 May 2020 at 12:43, Norman Tovey-Walsh <
ndw@nwalsh.com> wrote:
> Richard Hamilton <
hamilton@xmlpress.net> writes:
> > I’m thinking of taking on the task of creating a docbook
> > customization, similar to the iso690 customization, to process
> > bibliographic information in the Chicago Manual of Style format.
> >
> > Before I dive in head first, I thought I’d check with the group to see
> > if anyone has already done that.
> I wonder if it would be possible to describe the format in some
> declarative way and either derive the stylesheet from that or interpret
> it?
> I looked briefly at doing that with BibTeX once, but that seemed a
> little too challenging for the amount of free time that I have (which is
> generally measured in negative numbers).
> > To streamline the markup of inline references to bibliographic
> > entries, I wonder whether it would stretch the standard too far to
> > interpret a linkend in a citetitle as pointing to a bibliographic
> > reference and process it as though it were a biblioref immediately
> > following the citetitle. So, for example,
> >
> > <citetitlef pubwork=“book” linkend=“ref.stayton2007”>DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide</citetitle>
> >
> > would be interpreted as equivalent to <citetitle
> > pubwork=“book”>DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide</citetitle><biblioref
> > linkend=“ref.stayton2007”/>
> That doesn’t seem unreasonable to me. What I tend to do myself, however,
> is just the following:
> <biblioref linkend="ref.stayton2007"/>
> Which I then render inline as the title from the bibliography entry with
> whatever styling seems appropriate. Saves me from having to type the
> titles each time.
> > But, to take it a step further, how about interpreting <citetitle
> > pubwork=“book” linkend=“ref.stayton2007”/> the same way, but pulling
> > the title from the referenced biblioentry/bibliomixed element when the
> > citetitle element is empty.
> >
> > Any thoughts?
> That’s what biblioref is for? :-)
> Be seeing you,
> norm
> --
> Norman Tovey-Walsh <
> > Next to knowing when to seize an opportunity, the most important thing
> > in life is to know when to forego an advantage.--Benjamin Disraeli