
  • 1.  Overlapping table headers

    Posted 05-30-2008 13:26
      |   view attached


    When rendering a table in pdf (via fo naturally) I get overlapping
    header titles. See the attached png image (The word "DES" is written on
    the word "COMPARTMENT").

    I thought this might have something to do w/ using numbers as col names,
    so I tried the following style:

    <colspec colnum="1" colname="c1" align="left"></colspec>

    but it did not change anything.

    Environment: docbook xsl 1.73.2, fop 0.95beta, java 1.6.0_06, win xp sp
    2, saxon 655

    Using fo/docbook.xsl w/ params

    Docbook xml to reproduce the problem:

    <book xmlns:xsi=""></book>

    <corpname>Antti Karanta</corpname>


    <para> </para>



    <literallayout class="monospaced">
    Loading condition LC.FULL_D2 - Full load, departure
    <informaltable frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
    <tgroup cols="9">

    <colspec colname="1" align="left"></colspec>
    <colspec colname="2" align="left"></colspec>
    <colspec colname="3" align="right"></colspec>
    <colspec colname="4" align="right"></colspec>
    <colspec colname="5" align="right"></colspec>
    <colspec colname="6" align="right"></colspec>
    <colspec colname="7" align="right"></colspec>
    <colspec colname="8" align="right"></colspec>
    <colspec colname="9" align="right"></colspec>

    <row rowsep="1">
    <entry namest="1" nameend="9" align="center"> </entry>
    <row rowsep="1">
    <entry> </entry>
    <entry> </entry>

    <entry namest="1" nameend="9" align="center"> </entry>
    <entry namest="1" nameend="9" align="left">CONTENTS=CONTAINER
    <entry namest="1" nameend="9" align="center">
    <entry>Container Hold 10</entry>
    <row rowsep="1">
    <entry namest="1" nameend="9" align="center"> </entry>
    <entry> </entry>
    <entry> </entry>
    <entry> </entry>



    Any help will be greatly appreciated.


  • 2.  RE: [docbook-apps] Overlapping table headers

    Posted 05-30-2008 15:41