
  • 1.  Re: DocBook XSL*2* stylesheet reorganization

    Posted 03-07-2008 19:14
    / Florent Georges <> was heard to say:
    | Norman Walsh wrote:
    |> / Norman Walsh <> was heard to say:
    |> | Fair warning to those of you living on the bleeding edge.
    |> Here's the new idiom for XSLT2 customization layers:
    | If you put this template rule in common/docbook.xsl, the
    | customization layer can either override template rules for precise
    | elements or override this template rule (matching "/") if he wants to
    | make something more complicated that needs to take control over the
    | overall processing.
    | So the default rule for "/" launches the machinery as it should be,
    | and if one wants to override the rule for "/" in the cust. layer, he
    | will need to call the top-level functions (as in your email).
    | Sounds more intuitive, doesn't it?

    Right. Basically, I took your advice (from the comment) and didn't go
    with the whole named template thing.

    So I think it's exactly as you say. If you don't want to override the
    root, then you just import docbook.xsl and off you go. In the unlikely
    event that you do want to override "/", you can, provided you do the
    couple of things I suggested.

    Or do I missunderstand your question?

    Be seeing you,

    Norman Walsh <> | Where it is permissible both to die and | not to die, it is an abuse of valour to
    | die.-- Mencius

  • 2.  Re: [docbook-apps] Re: DocBook XSL*2* stylesheet reorganization

    Posted 03-08-2008 18:40
    Norman Walsh wrote:


    > If you don't want to override the root, then you just import
    > docbook.xsl and off you go. In the unlikely event that you
    > do want to override "/", you can, provided you do the couple
    > of things I suggested.

    > Or do I missunderstand your question?

    Well, I don't know if you correctly understood my comments, but the
    summary above suggest you perfectly did so ;-)



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