
  • 1.  Generating a customized TOC & chunking.

    Posted 12-19-2007 00:45

    First, a brief introduction to what I'm trying to do.

    Background: Creating ePub from DocBook
    I'm trying to build on the DocBook XSL an 'ePub' output. 'ePub' is the
    nickname for a set of standards for a reflowable ebook format. The
    standards build on XHTML 1.1 and CSS for the content. There is
    additional XML for navigaiton and a manifest.

    I've created a new instance of the html2xhtml.xsl. I have, at least
    against one test, validating XHTML 1.1 from a docbook xml document.

    Now, I'm starting on what seems to be the hard part. There's a couple of
    extra files that I need to create, one is a toc (it's not in XHTML but
    in another XML vocabulary.) The other file I need to add is the OPF
    file, which is basically a manifest, a set of metadata, and a listing of
    the chapters.

    Now my question:
    How do I use the chunking HTML stylesheets but generate a separate TOC
    with a different format (not HTML) and have the links work from the TOC
    to the targets inside the chunks? Is the answer in "Customized hrefs"
    (in chapter 12 of "DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide"), or is that not the
    right direction?


    Paul Norton

  • 2.  Re: [docbook-apps] Generating a customized TOC & chunking.

    Posted 12-19-2007 01:24
    Two possible starting points using the base DocBook stylesheets:

    * Olink databases, if you use olinks. To quote 'Target database
    additional uses' in Chapter 24 of Stayton's book:

    "You may find additional uses for the target database that keeps track
    of potential olink targets. The database contains structured information
    about a collection of documents. The information includes the hierarchy
    of division and section elements, with enough information to form links
    to them. You could, for example, generate a master table of contents for
    all of your documents."

    I use a sitemap to generate HTML breadcrumbs, for example.

    * eclipse/eclipse.xsl (Chapter 24) generates an Eclipse toc and
    manifest. Maybe you could customize that stylesheet.


    Paul Norton wrote:
    > Hi,
    > First, a brief introduction to what I'm trying to do.
    > Background: Creating ePub from DocBook
    > ******************************
    > I'm trying to build on the DocBook XSL an 'ePub' output. 'ePub' is the
    > nickname for a set of standards for a reflowable ebook format. The
    > standards build on XHTML 1.1 and CSS for the content. There is
    > additional XML for navigaiton and a manifest.
    > I've created a new instance of the html2xhtml.xsl. I have, at least
    > against one test, validating XHTML 1.1 from a docbook xml document.
    > Now, I'm starting on what seems to be the hard part. There's a couple of
    > extra files that I need to create, one is a toc (it's not in XHTML but
    > in another XML vocabulary.) The other file I need to add is the OPF
    > file, which is basically a manifest, a set of metadata, and a listing of
    > the chapters.
    > Now my question:
    > ******************************
    > How do I use the chunking HTML stylesheets but generate a separate TOC
    > with a different format (not HTML) and have the links work from the TOC
    > to the targets inside the chunks? Is the answer in "Customized hrefs"
    > (in chapter 12 of "DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide"), or is that not the
    > right direction?
    > Thanks,
    > Paul Norton
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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    > For additional commands, e-mail:

  • 3.  RE: [docbook-apps] Generating a customized TOC & chunking.

    Posted 12-19-2007 04:44
    Right. As I understand his request, he needs to make a customization
    layer that will look a lot like the eclipse, html help, and JavaHelp
    xsls. In all three cases, they are small customizations of the stock
    xslts that produce chunked html output in addition to the extra goo,
    including a toc file, required by each of the output formats. For the
    toc, a good place to look for inspiration would be eclipse.xsl:
    <xsl:template name="etoc"> and the other templates with mode="toc" on
    them to see how the eclipse toc.xml file is generated. See:

    The stock eclipse etc xsls product html, so you'll want to point yours
    to the xhtml xsls instead. Point us to some sample output and we could
    tell you more.


    > * eclipse/eclipse.xsl (Chapter 24) generates an Eclipse toc
    > and manifest. Maybe you could customize that stylesheet.
    > HTH,
    > Denis
    > Paul Norton wrote:
    > > Hi,
    > >
    > > First, a brief introduction to what I'm trying to do.
    > >
    > > Background: Creating ePub from DocBook
    > > ******************************
    > > I'm trying to build on the DocBook XSL an 'ePub' output.
    > 'ePub' is the
    > > nickname for a set of standards for a reflowable ebook format. The
    > > standards build on XHTML 1.1 and CSS for the content. There is
    > > additional XML for navigaiton and a manifest.
    > >
    > > I've created a new instance of the html2xhtml.xsl. I have, at least
    > > against one test, validating XHTML 1.1 from a docbook xml document.
    > >
    > > Now, I'm starting on what seems to be the hard part.
    > There's a couple
    > > of extra files that I need to create, one is a toc (it's
    > not in XHTML
    > > but in another XML vocabulary.) The other file I need to add is the
    > > OPF file, which is basically a manifest, a set of metadata, and a
    > > listing of the chapters.
    > >
    > > Now my question:
    > > ******************************
    > > How do I use the chunking HTML stylesheets but generate a
    > separate TOC
    > > with a different format (not HTML) and have the links work from the
    > > TOC to the targets inside the chunks? Is the answer in
    > "Customized hrefs"
    > > (in chapter 12 of "DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide"), or is
    > that not
    > > the right direction?
    > >
    > >
    > > Thanks,
    > >
    > > Paul Norton
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    > > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
    > > For additional commands, e-mail:
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
    > For additional commands, e-mail:

  • 4.  Re: [docbook-apps] Generating a customized TOC & chunking.

    Posted 12-19-2007 07:48
    David Cramer wrote:
    > Right. As I understand his request, he needs to make a customization
    > layer that will look a lot like the eclipse, html help, and JavaHelp
    > xsls. In all three cases, they are small customizations of the stock
    > xslts that produce chunked html output in addition to the extra goo,
    > including a toc file, required by each of the output formats.

    Guessing but is of the
    nature of the 'toc' (navigation control centre), except I doubt
    Paul wants the smil hooks. Bit different from html, but has the
    same base content

    Biggest question, as a customization layer or a mod on the base
    XSLT? Two quite different beasts IMHO.


    Dave Pawson