
  • 1.  Column width specified by *

    Posted 10-07-2008 19:19
    I have two column table. Width of the first column is specified as 1.5*
    while the second *. For XSL-FO transformation Saxon with column extension is
    used, but in result PDF file (produced with XEP) the second column seems
    like of zero width (content of cell is overcrowded at the border of table).
    If width of the second column is set to 1*, everything is Ok.
    I know, it is detail only, but at docbook TDG is written:
    "Proportional measures have the form "number*", meaning this column should
    be number times wider than a column with the measure "1*" (or just "*")."
    I understand with it that * and 1* should be equal. In HTML output width are
    calculated properly...

  • 2.  RE: [docbook-apps] Column width specified by *

    Posted 10-10-2008 18:47